Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle Part 2

Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle Part 2: Resurrection

Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle [Part 2]

The middle-aged men stopped yelling after the gentlemen showed up. Instead, they formed a circle so that no one else could get in and take a look at the turtle. The gentlemen were older than they were, so it wouldn’t be right to chase them away. The same couldn’t be said for the kids, especially if they were planning to buy it at an exorbitant price.There were two reasons. One, they wanted to look at the Golden Thread Turtle a bit longer. Two, such a precious animal would be pletely wasted in those rich kids’ hands!

Wheeze didn’t care one way or another. All it knew was that the turtle could be sold for a lot of fish biscuits, and anyone who tried to take it without paying would have to pay the blood price!

“It is a Golden Thread Turtle, possibly a hundred years old!” The old man called Senior Sun said.

Most people believed his words immediately. He was an expert in this area.

“Not bad, not bad. Very feisty.” Professor White was going to tap the turtle’s shell with his walking stick, but it caught it with its mouth and bit down so hard that he wasn’t able to pull it out despite multiple attempts.

Wheeze glanced at the two bold idiots who dared to tap its precious with their walking sticks. If Cillin hadn’t stopped, it would’ve chopped their sticks into pieces already!

“Heh! What a feisty turtle. There’s no way it’s genetically engineered!” The ment got a lot of nods of agreement.

Professor White didn’t get angry with the turtle despite being unable to pull his walking stick free. The delight in his eyes only grew more and more as he played tug of war with it.

“It’s been years since I’ve seen a natural turtle like this.” Senior Sun sighed. “Boy, did you catch it in the lake today?”

The Golden Thread Turtle’s shell was pretty special. In fact, the golden linings gave it the ability to avoid being detected by a scanner. It was why the creature were notoriously difficult to find, especially if it was a natural one. Someone tried searching the entire lake using a scanner before, but they only managed to find two tiny turtles. Worse, both turtles passed away not long after that discovery. Since then, no one had ever seen a Golden Thread Turtle in the lake again. It was one of the main reasons why these people were making such a big deal out of it.

Cillin was holding the fishing pail whe the crowd looked at him after Senior Sun asked him a question. He answered, “That’s correct.” Then, he told them exactly where he found the turtle, prompting everyone to jot down the details on a paper or record it with a recording device. They did it because they knew they had poor memory, and they were afraid to miss a single word. Who knows, maybe they could catch another Golden Thread Turtle at that location!

“Are you aware of the value of a Golden Thread Turtle?” asked Senior Sun with a kind smile, but he still felt imposing for some reason; the harmless kind that made people feel respect rather than fear. It definitely wasn’t on purpose at least.

“I don’t know too much about this, honestly. I’ve only read about it once in an aquatic pet magazine.” Cillin went on to explain the article he read briefly.

Senior Sun nodded. “If you don’t mind, can I examine it at close range?”

By now, everyone knew that the gray cat with a bundle of webbing in its mouth was a feisty one. It would scratch anyone who attempted to touch the turtle without permission.

“No problem.”

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