Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle Part 1

Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle Part 1: Resurrection

Chapter 305: Golden Thread Turtle [Part 1]

The smiling student held up his catch and showed it off to Cillin for a moment. After that, their boats passed by each other.

Wheeze was chasing the fishes at the bottom of the lake all over the place, and almost everyone on the shore had noticed the motion. They had portable scanners after all. Usually, the portable scanners were used to find out the best place to chuck their baits into the water. But since the fishes were positively swarming the lake surface, it made much more sense to just chuck a net and catch everything.

Although most of the anglers were here to relax or waste their time, they weren’t going to turn away good luck. Those who didn’t have a net ran to the robots to buy one. There was also a kid holding a scanner to his eyes and spotting the fishes for his parents.

Cillin didn’t use a net or join in on the fun. He knew that it was pointless to fish a fishing rod when the fishes in the lake were in panic, but that was not the main goal of his excursion, not to mention that Wheeze had probably eaten entire schools of fishes already. No matter how you looked at it, he was the winner through and through.

Cillin’s boat eventually moved to a shallow area. There were a tonne of rocks around here, but no shades and almost no big fishes at all. So it was pretty secluded pared to other places around the lake.

Cillin took one look and spotted a big fellow sunbathing on top of a huge rock immediately. Curious, he put down his fishing rod, took out a net and stopped his boat before it got too close to the creature. He didn’t want to frighten it and cause it to run away.

After adjusting a rope onto the net, he aimed carefully before tossing out the net. The net automatically wrapped around the creature, trapping it before it could escape into the water.

He pressed a button and watched as the rope was pulled back toward his boat. Once the creature was reeled in pletely, he hauled it up to eye level and examined his catch. It was almost half a meter long, and it was incredibly heavy.

The creature he caught was a huge turtle with some patterns that looked like golden threads on its shell. It was a rare breed of normal turtles. A lot of people like raising a pet like this because of merchants who spread rumors about a golden thread turtle bringing wealth and good luck.

There were plenty of such genetically modified golden thread turtles, but natural ones were a lot rarer and feisty. They preferred to run away like all normal turtles if they saw a human being, but it they were caught they would glare at you, flail around with all its might and try to bite you with its mutated, curved jaw. They wouldn’t hide their head, limbs and tails inside their shell.

Cillin’s knowledge of golden thread turtles was scarce. Most of what he knew came from the introductions in aquatic pet magazines. He read that its age could be determined by examining the pattern on its shell, but he didn’t know the exact method. He gave the shell a light knock and, yep, natural shells were just harder than the genetically modified ones. Funnily enough, his action infuriated the turtle even more, and it tried to bite through the net around to its curved jaw to no avail. That being said, it might have succeeded if the net was just a normal fishing net.

Cillin stared at the turtle glaring at him and kicking its limbs for a moment before tossing it onto the boat. He didn’t unravel the net, of course. There was a pair of oddly-shaped fishes in his fish bucket; something Wheeze had caught and decided to bring to the surface instead of devouring directly. If he were to put the golden thread turtle in the fish bucket, the fishes would probably vanish into its mouth in less than five seconds.

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