Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 304: San Calombo Part 1

Chapter 304: San Calombo Part 1: Resurrection

Chapter 304: San Calombo [Part 1]

Most of the workers at the inspection space station were military personnel. On a whim, a veteran had decided to scan Cillin’s spaceplane using a military scanner, and equipment automatically calculated a vehicle bat strength, especially the defense and weapons system. To say that the result almost blinded everyone who saw it was actually an understatement. It wouldn’t be surprising if an unrelated person saw the final number and mistook it as the battle strength of an entire fleet.

The soldiers wouldn’t be this surprised if the spaceplane had a noble emblem on it. After all, some upper nobles had flight equipment that was as impressive as this one. The problem was they didn’t spot any noble emblem on the ID information they were shown, not to mention that the spaceplane was much smaller than what they came to expect from nobles.

The pilot was a young man who looked like he had an average background. He was neither a noble nor a VIP, at least on the surface. That, was something to consider.

But of course, they weren’t going to flag Cillin down just because they were curious. He was perfectly law abiding after all. They were bored and mentally tired from repeating the same tasks day by day, so they needed something refreshing once in a while to keep themselves alert. In fact, they only reported this because the station master specifically told them to do so.

“You know this guy?” The guy sitting behind the office table asked.

“Yeah, I do. Strange. Why is he in the twenty-third region?”

“Is he someone from your circle?” He was referring to the nobles.

“Not really.”

“What do you mean not really? What’s with the roundabout explanation, Tousen? Just tell me if this guy’s a noble or not. It’s not that hard.”

Tousen’s friend was a long time rade of Tousen’s. He had retired from the army due to his injuries, and he never went back after he returned to full health. These days, he worked at the inspection space station and enjoyed a relatively easy life.

Tousen put down his wine bottle and said, “Can you tell your subordinates that I want to talk with him for a bit?”

His friend stared at Tousen suspiciously, but carried out the request without question.

Inside the spaceplane, Cillin was getting ready to leave the inspection space station. He knew that someone had scanned his vehicle earlier, but he paid it no heed because he was neither on a secret mission nor was he doing something shady. He had nothing to be worried about.

But before he could fly away and resume his journey, he suddenly received a m request from the inspection space station. He accepted it and saw a familiar face on the screen.

“Nuhatch Tousen? Excuse me, I should call you Lieutenant Colonel Tousen, shouldn’t I?”

Cillin had looked over some of the latest information of the twenty third star region before he flew over, and he noticed that some of his acquaintances were marked as objects of interest. One of them was the military personnel he encountered at Baelenbaatar Middle School. Tousen was just a major when he and Bel ran into him the first time, so the guy was rising through the military ranks faster than expected. The guy’s noble background surely played a role, but Tousen wouldn’t have risen this quickly if he wasn’t a capable man himself. As expected of a member of the head of the empire’s army, the Nuhatch Family.

Tousen skipped over the introduction after seeing that Cillin still recognized him. “I’m at the inspection station right now. Are you free to e up for a chat? I just happened to be on vacation right now.”

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