Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 303: Why Is He Here

Chapter 303: Why Is He Here: Resurrection

Xi Kai didn’t answer Cilin’s question. Everything he said earlier was known to all the previous heads of Black Viper, so he had no reason to hide it from Cillin who was the new head of the comanization. Moreover, it was a good topic to use to show his sincerity. However, anything deeper than that was a family secret, and he had no intention of divulging them to Cillin right now.

Cillin asked another question after hearing no reply from Xi Kai, “Do you know where your ancestors e from? Do you know where their homeworld is?”

Xi Kai still didn’t say anything, but this time Cillin had a feeling the man himself didn’t know the answer to that question. If he did, he would’ve tried a different way to get the answers he wanted instead of spending all his energy on recreating the Original robots.

“Never mind. What do you want from me?” Cillin asked.

Xi Kai finally broke his silence. “The Xi Family was never able to create another Original robot since the original five. No matter how much effort and time we put in—we even lost two Original robots in the process—all we ever managed to create was an imitation of the real thing.

According to the final records of our ancestors, the brains of the two Original robots they dissected for their research was an amalgamation of a kind of coordination pound. It was why their quasi-brains were closer to a human’s than that of a robot. Actually, I would like to correct myself. They are exactly like humans, and the only difference between them and us is that they have a metallic body. They have their own independent consciousness, they are capable of divergent thinking, and they can pick all kinds of unique habits that form their personality.

We know that the coordination pound that made up their brains is critical to our research, but to this day the molecular formula eludes us even after we sacrificed two Original robots in the name of research. There were barely any records regarding this coordination pound as well.”

Cillin didn’t realize that the material that made up Sigma’s brain was so special until Xi Kai mentioned it. In fact, it looked like the key to recreating the Original robots was this unknown coordination pound.

“Is there no other way? What about a substitute?”

“We tried. The Xi Family had been trying to find a coordination pound that might work as a replacement for generations, but to no avail. No matter how close we got, it just wasn’t close enough to match the Original robots. Anyone who met the Original robots before would know that their creation was nothing but a defect with a pretty shell.”

Xi Kai gave an example in order to make things clearer for Cillin. “You’ve seen my robots. They may look expressive and emotional, but they’re actually not. For example, I taught a robot how to draw a straight line, but when I try to teach it how to draw other pictures, the result isn’t what I imagine it should be. It’s because it lacks the ability to learn a different type of line. It can create the most gcomeous drawings in the world, but the basis of those drawings will always be the straight line it was taught. It can never learn how to draw a curve on its own.”

Xi Kai moved his finger once and brought up a light screen. First, he drew a straight line on the screen. Next, he drew a circle next to the straight line.

“This is how we humans learn. What about the robots we created?” Xi Kai started drawing something that looked like a circle. And why wasn’t it actually a circle? It was because the circle was made entirely from straight lines. It looked nothing like the smooth, round circle Xi Kai had drawn.

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