Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 308: How Could He? Part 2

Chapter 308: How Could He? Part 2: Resurrection

Chapter 308: How Could He? [Part 2]

He didn’t spend too much time on the second category, but he mentioned a lot of people including the seemingly unruly but principled Naimi. He didn’t give names, but those people who knew them would be able to put together the clues and figure it out themselves. More importantly, his speech had shed light on both the nobles and the non-nobles.

After the second category was over, Cillin turned down Flick’s offer to enter break time and dove straight into the third category, the Q&A session.

There were a lot of people who wanted to ask him questions, so much so that the questioners nearly fought among themselves.

Cillin answered all the questions he was asked to a degree except the private ones such as “on what basis do you think you have the right to claim this” or “what do you think I should do in my life” etc. In those cases, he avoided giving a direct answer. After all, if these people couldn’t even figure out what they wanted to do with their own life, why the hell would he be able to answer them? Plus, it wasn’t the right time to say those things yet. One day they would find out the answer themselves, and that day might even be closer than they thought.

It was said that countless people had strongly requested the presentation to be extended after the time was up. Hong Xi himself tried to squeeze his way through the crowd to reach Cillin, but he was denied by the laws of physics.

Cillin stopped answering all questions and left the second time was up, however. No one could stop him once he had made up his mind to leave. When Flick turned around to talk to Cillin, the young man was already gone.

After slipping away from the academic hall with Wheeze, he waited until an opening presented itself and got on a departing spaceplane.

“You seemed to have offended a lot of people this time,” Wheeze said while swaying its tail.

“Yes, but who cares? Teacher Guan’s the one who told me not to hold back. Plus, it’s not like they can do anything to us, can they?” Cillin was as he said, pletely uncaring of the consequences. Some parts of his speech were quoted directly from Guan Feng himself, and Cillin said them because he agreed with them. Of course, a large group of people—especially the nobles and various governments—were going to e after him after today.

It was at this moment Cillin’s municator rang. He smiled and accepted the call when he saw who it was.

“Cillin, you just offended a lot of people today.” Tousen’s face appeared on the screen. He looked more expectant than worried, however.

“I know.”

“But it’s fine. There has been too much rot as of late, and this is the perfect opportunity to flush them out.”

“That is none of my business.”

“Really? Do you really think you can stay out of it? I heard that your return trip won’t be a peaceful one. Do you know that?” Tousen poked fun at Cillin a little.

“Right. Thanks for the warning.”

Tousen watched Cillin closely and saw none of the worry he expected to see on the latter’s face. He said curiously, “If you’re planning to apply for protection from us, you can do so now.”

“It’s fine. I don’t need it.”

“You truly are an arrogant man.”

“I’m confident, not arrogant.”

“Well, whatever.” Tousen’s curiosity only grew when he noticed that Cillin really was as uncaring as he looked. “Speaking of which, weren’t you going to visit some old friends after this?”

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