Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 117: Who Are You

Chapter 117: Who Are You: Resurrection

Chapter 117: Who Are You

Big Q and the others never thought that Emmus would shoot them from the back. They had always thought that someone like Emmus was most suited for the backlines, where he would be tinkering with technology, making weapons and exploiting resources for their sake. To put it bluntly, they never thought that Emmus would have the courage to shoot them from the back, and thus this contempt resulted in a technician who had never left the bosom of his formulas, parameters and calculations; a man who was no taller, no stronger, and no more imposing than them delivering them the ultimate fatal blow!

But where did he get the courage from?! Did he not know what betraying the Skull King meant?!

There weren’t many people inside the hall since Carranio did not like having too many guards around him. However, he did like raising pets, and sometimes he would punish a person by feeding them to his pets. Carranio loved to watch the scene where his pets tore and consumed a person, and the reactions of the surrounding Poison Fang members towards the bloody scene as well. Be it fear or excitement, it was something that Carranio was glad to see.

Normally, his pets would be the first to charge out in response to any abnormalities. After all, pets were often more loyal than humans. But something was wrong today. It was only now that Carranio noticed that he was careless. Although his pets would not normally reveal themselves, they were all hiding at a certain corner in this hall. But where were they now? Not a single one of them could be seen except the native beast sleeping beside his feet. Wait, that’s not right. How could it possibly sleep through such a big motion?

Perhaps things were already awry from the moment his spider had escaped from his palm. But at the time, Carranio was engrossed in Cillin’s presentation, and his mind were filled with future plans to realise his ambition. Ultimately, he had been too careless!

As Poison Fang’s leader, Carranio was a man with true abilities. Moreover, he trusted no one, and even when faced with the demise of an underling who had worked under him for tens of years, he would at best lament the loss of a helping hand. He would not grieve, and he would definitely not memorate the dead in any way.

The first thing Carranio thought after Emmus’ betrayal wasn’t why, but of dodging out of his attack range as if he had planned it all along. Carranio was a person who would find out about his underlings’ behaviors and be on guard against them, and he was always on guard against the people around him no matter what the occasion. Therefore, even when he relinquished the high ground and stepped down from his throne, he did not enter anyone’s optimal attack range. This was also one of the reasons why he was able to prevent his vital spots from being shot at.

While Carranio was retreating in haste, he activated the shields and backed away to a spot closer to the throne. A metallic wall rose to cut off the throne area from the hall at the bottom.

Emmus knew that he no longer had a second chance to kill Carranio after failing for the first time. With Carranio’s level of caution, he must have prepared a multitude of escape routes for himself. Right now, Carranio had probably retreated outside the hall and summoned his men to attack it. This was also why Emmus did not bother going after him. Instead, he pressed a few buttons on his arm mod before the people outside could charge in and tossed out a semicircular beam shield. A ray of light shot out of the semicircular beam shield and swiftly enveloped the few of them inside.

He did not content himself with such a measly amount of defense. Three more semicircular balls flew out in succession as the man skilfully cut a few small pieces out of the red-and-black energy ores and installed them into the balls, reinforcing the shield twice, thrice, four times in total. The series of movements were performed in an extremely short amount of time, and when the people outside noticed that something was wrong and attempted to charge in, four whole layers of shield had already been risen.

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