SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 392: The Time He Waited, The Time He Walked (5)

Chapter 392: The Time He Waited, The Time He Walked (5): Resurrection

Chapter 392: The Time He Waited, The Time He Walked (5)

[Hehehehaha! Are you that accursed Jiangshi created by the demons of the Great Yin Grotto? You seem inherently evil! I, the venerable one, shall strike you down and make you the protagonist of the fifth sword strike!] (ED: A jiāngshī, also known as a Chinese hopping vampire, is a type of reanimated corpse in Chinese legends and folklore. It is typically depicted as a stiff corpse dressed in official garments from the Qing dynasty, and it moves around by hopping with its arms outstretched)

He slashed.

[Amitabha Sword. New life is invariably fcomed by the swords of those in love. That has been the rule ever since the fourth sword strike embroidered this world. You are a product of demonic arts that disrupt the harmony of this world! I shall slash you down with my sword and put you at ease.]

He slashed.

[ The Divine Sword Emperor who rules over the greatest Sword Continent has sent me! Silently lower your head, you vile Jiangshi king!]

He slashed.

There was much to be slashed. Merely walking and breathing resulted in mountains of corpses cut down by him. It seemed as if everything that existed in this world did so just to be slashed by him.

It shouldn't be so.

[O Primordial Sword!]

It couldn't be so.

[Once again, the Primordial Sword has saved us!]

There must be something else.

[Primordial Sword! Primordial Sword! Primordial Sword!]

[Our beginning! Our end! Our savior!]

There must be.

[ Our son, all of ours! ]

He set out in search of that something.

He left the grotto. [You,] wandered the world. [Allegedly fcomed by the demons of the Great Yin Grotto,] he boarded a boat at the eastern sea's end and saw the rising sun for the first time, [The sword swinging towards the world.] Crossing several continents to the west, he stepped into a city of the Tower where no one from his homeland had ever visited. [Everything in this world,] he even brought down a dragon drinking light in the Divine Sword Mountains, [was waiting. This way—] and also met hermits sitting cross-legged under the ever-shining sky.

[Tsk tsk. Such a foolish fellow.]

The leader of the Hermits said.

[Why such worries written all over your face?]

He looked at the leader of the Hermits.

While most were small pared to his size, the leader of the Hermits was also tiny. That face, glowing pale blue, only had an overall outline with no visible eyes, nose, or mouth. They were a race called True Human or Divine Human, and he had already crossed swords with such beings several times before.

They were a terribly strong race.

Yet, they were always a step weaker than him.

He felt sorrow at this second fact. The True Humans, in particular, made him very sad.

He said.

[I am lonely.]


The True Human grimly laughed. Then said,

[What is there to be lonely about? All who gathered in the Great Yin Grotto to fcome you are your parents. And since everyone who gathered there was fcomed by this world, in the end, you are the son of the entire world! How blessed are you pared to orphans whose fathers abandon them stealthily in front of a noble family's door like thieves or hang onto their mother's cold breast not knowing she is already dead?]

He knew that too. There were many who pointed swords at him, but there were also many who opened their arms to him. He knew well where to go when he needed a warm embrace, not harsh winds.

But he wanted more.

[I want to have my own brothers.]

A moment of silence passed.

[ You speak sorrowful words. ]

The True Human picked a reed and brought it to his face. A slit shaped like lips appeared on his smooth face and bit the reed as if holding a pipe.


The True Human chewed on the reed for a while and then sighed.

[Yes. A sword only has meaning when each has one of their own.]

A sword held only in one side is merely a lethal weapon, muttered the True Human.

As the tip of the reed moved up and down for a while, he quietly waited.

Eventually, the True Human spoke.

[The technique that fcomed you is potent yet profound. It can be said that the heavens, earth, life, and principles of this world are all concentrated in you. The fact that it was done artificially means that human flaws have also been added. You will live a long time, inparable to anyone else, but despite that, throughout your long life, there will be only you of your kind.]


[However, there's no need to take that grim assumption as a prophecy.]

The True Human spat out the reed and walked towards him.

Thud, thud.

He hesitated. With every step the clearly smaller True Human took, he seemed to grow larger. Thud, thud. The sound of his footsteps became louder and heavier. Boom, boom. He felt it as a vibration before the sound, and felt it as the sensation of a shadow heavily draped like a rain-soaked blanket.

[ Lower your head. ]

Before he knew it, the True Human now looking down at him, raised his fist.

[Let's see how many hits you can endure.]

It was the day he joined the sect.


Blood splattered.

The man let out a desperate scream.

With blood-soaked, shimmering eyes, the man shouted as if vomiting blood.

The woman known as the Black Dragon Master burst out laughing, fan unfolded.

As soon as the Black Dragon Master snapped her fan closed, people rushed over in a swarm.

Thus, after taking a hit from each, Kim Gong-ja vomited blood and collapsed.

The Black Dragon Master laughed out loud again, covering her mouth with the fan.

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