Rich Daughter Reincarnates as Her Eighteen-Year-Old Self to Rescue Her Younger Brothers!

Chapter 537: Open Robbery

Chapter 537: Open Robbery: Resurrection

Chapter 537: Open Robbery

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Considering I’m the current CEO of the Mei Group,” Mei Shu said lightly, “I don’t need a reason to dismiss anyone. Moreover, Feng Kai’s performance is indeed inadequate. He hasn’t met my standards. Isn’t it normal for me to dismiss him and hire someone else?”

Mei Cheng was left speechless by her argument and turned his head away in annoyance.

The elderly lady began to be unreasonable again, “Since we’re all family, why don’t you use your aunt’s brother? Instead, you choose an outsider to be the manager. How can you manage the pany like this?”

Mei Shu sneered, “I chose not to keep Feng Kai precisely to manage the pany better. During his tenure as manager, he abused his power to hire people, either his relatives or his lovers, causing chaos in the pany. If this continues, where will we find petent personnel?”

Feng Wei, hearing Mei Shu’s disparaging remarks about her brother, became furious. Her eyes widened as she pointed accusingly at Mei Shu.

Her nails almost poked Mei Shu’s face.

“What do you know? It’s better to have family members in the pany! If you hire outsiders, they’ll just take your salary. Who will look out for you? Only your relatives will treat the pany as their own! You’re favoring those unrelated people just after being the CEO. You’ll regret it sooner or later!”

Mei Shu rolled her eyes disdainfully. “You’re right for once. They really treat the pany like their own. They e in late, leave early, gossip during work hours, eat snacks, and pass their work off to the so-called outsiders. Do you call this looking out for me?”

“They’re family. What’s wrong with giving them some favor?” Feng Wei retorted angrily. “You spend money to hire those outsiders. Shouldn’t they work hard for the pany? You don’t understand the basics of human relationships! 1 always said that Big Brother should let Ah Cheng manage the pany temporarily until he recovers!”

“You mean you understand human relationships?” Mei Shu mocked. “Then why don’t you let Feng Kai and his relatives work in your family’s pany? Didn’t you say your family’s pany is much bigger than ours? Can’t you even arrange a few positions for them?”

At this, Feng Wei’s eyes flickered with embarrassment, then she regained her posure and said aggressively, “My brother going to your pany to work is giving you face! When your father managed the pany, he didn’t say anything. It’s not your turn to meddle! If you can’t manage the pany well, go back to school, and let your uncle manage it for you!”

Mei Shu knew this visit wasn’t just about defending Feng Kai; they had ulterior motives.

Before she could speak, Mei Feng, who had been frowning, interjected, “Let Uncle manage? Does Uncle even have shares in our pany? Mei Group was founded by my parents together. There seems to be no relationship between Uncle and Aunt, right?”

Feng Wei was taken aback, her face flushing with embarrassment. “But we lent money to your dad back then! If it weren’t for our investment, would your family have enough money to establish such a big pany? We should have shares because we invested money. We’re going to sign a share transfer agreement now! Our family should have the most shares!”

Even the servants and Zhao Yan, who were watching from the side, found this unbelievable.

Well, this wasn’t persuasion; it was outright robbery!

When Mei Yun and Bai Ling started the pany, they indeed lacked some money, but later they adhered to the agreed terms and repaid them with interest.

Now they dared to bring it up, indicating that once people were shameless, they were indeed unbeatable.

Mei Feng was obviously furious. He looked like he wanted to drive them out with a stick.

But with the elderly lady backing Feng Wei, he could only hold back his anger and couldn’t move forward.

Mei Shu, on the other hand, remained calm. She wasn’t surprised by their words at all. “Today is my brother’s birthday, and I don’t want to ruin his mood for his birthday celebration. While I’m not angry yet, I suggest you leave now. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee what I might do in retaliation.”

Mei Cheng, who had been a CEO for so many years, had never been so blatantly threatened by a child. He sneered, “Mei Shu, I see you won’t change until you see a coffin. You’re just a child. As long as I casually mention it to a few people I know, you won’t be able to do business anymore.”

“Oh, I’m so scared,” Mei Shu retorted sarcastically, showing no signs of fear. “You’re wele to leave. By the way, I’ll immediately fire Feng Kai and his cronies who got into the pany through him. If you can’t bear to see him lose this job, take him to work in your family’s pany. After all, he’d be more than happy to work for his own relatives.”

“Mei Shu, mark my words, there will be a day when you regret this!” Mei Cheng said coldly before leaving with a snort..

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