Medical Master

Chapter 685 - Various Ways of Clout-chasing!

Chapter 685 - Various Ways of Clout-chasing!: Resurrection

Chapter 685 Various Ways of Clout-chasing!

He Gaoming said, “The first one is the Siqi Pharmaceutical pany. The second one is the Taikang Pharmaceutical pany, which once offered to hire you, but you rejected them. The funds supporting Yang Qingtian came from these two major panies. Although they did it very discreetly and used several bank accounts to transfer the money to him, I still managed to uncover their secret actions. What do you think? I’m so awesome, right?”

Fang Qiu thanked him and said, “Thank you. I’ll hang up first. I’ll transfer the money directly to your account.”

On the other side of the phone, He Gaoming seemingly wanted to say something else. “Hey, don’t…”

Before he could finish speaking, Fang Qiu had disconnected the call already.

After he hung up, Fang Qiu immediately transferred 100,000 to He Gaoming’s account, using his mobile phone, without any hesitation.

The people who were behind the scenes had been found out.

But Fang Qiu did not have time to deal with these two panies now.

He had to deal with the Advertising Investment Fair first.

It was eight o’clock in the morning. The Advertising Investment Fair would be starting in an hour.

At this moment, a huge crowd had already gathered outside the Xiongcheng Hotel.

Not only were the media there, but there were also many passers-by who wanted to take this opportunity to see Fang Qiu in person. Even streamers who did live streams on the Internet came to do their streaming outside the hotel in order to make use of Fang Qiu’s clout.

These online streamers might be scornful of riding on the popularity of others.

But when it came to Fang Qiu, they would never let this opportunity slip away.

After all, at the medical conference last time, Luo Jialong, the only streamer who was able to stream the conference earned a total of 20 million.

It only lasted for an hour.

From this perspective, it could be seen how lucrative Fang Qiu was. Each of these online streamers wanted to make a fortune by riding on his reputation. Even if they could not make a fortune, it would be nice to make a small sum of money.

pared with these online streamers, the focus of all the media outlets was obviously different. The reason why these media reporters had been waiting here so early was to report on Fang Qiu’s Advertising Investment Fair and also to find out what kind of large enterprises would turn up.

This was the so-called view of the overall situation!

The online streamers certainly would not pay attention to this because they did not know which pany was considered large at all. And they did not know which pany’s appearance would create a shock.

It was a pity that these people were not aware that staff from those large panies had stayed in this hotel since last night.

After all, they were large panies.

There was no way they could rush over at this moment.

They did not see the large enterprises.

But there were many small-sized enterprises.

Obviously, these small panies were here to gain popularity. As soon as they arrived, they deliberately waited to be interviewed outside the hotel. They were not in a hurry to enter the hotel to attend the fair. On the contrary, they were more concerned about whether they could appear on the TV news for a few seconds. Because as long as they did, the news would definitely show their pany’s name and their own names. This was also a rare opportunity for these small-sized enterprises to promote their panies.

A middle-aged man with glossy hair, who looked like a parvenu and was dressed in formal clothes, got out of a luxury car worth more than a million. He strode forward and enjoyed the attention of being surrounded by the media reporters.

A senior reporter asked with a smile, “Excuse me, which pany are you representing to attend this fair?”

The middle-aged man raised his head and said, “Me? Don’t you know me? I am the CEO of Cray Media, Li Yuejing!”

“Oh, Mr. Li.” The senior reporter rolled his eyes and looked around, but he did not see anyone from the other panies ing. He could not just turn away to interview other people. He could only put on a serious look and start the interview.

The reporter asked, “Mr. Li, what does Cray Media do?”

“Do you need to ask that? I’ve told you that we are a media pany. What else can I do?”

Li Gang rolled his eyes at the reporter, looking incredulous and said, “Of course we’re working on internet media.”

Many of the reporters could not help sniggering when they heard that.

Internet Media?

It meant that he was just doing online advertisements.

They were responsible for the nasty pop-up ads that constantly appeared no matter what kind of websites people used. Other people might not know that. But these reporters were very clear about it. They were somehow working in the same business!

The senior reporter asked, “Mr. Li, what do you think of your pany’s chances of winning one of these ten advertising slots in the fair this time?”

Li Yuejing immediately nodded and said, “Of course. The purpose is clear as to why I am here on behalf of Cray Media. I can say with total confidence that our pany has prepared enough money. We will definitely get one slot!”

When the senior reporter heard this, he immediately asked, “Oh? Mr. Li, how can you be so sure?”

Li Yuejing held his head high and said, “I am not the one who is overconfident. It’s our pany. Last year, Cray Media won the award as one of the top ten network panies and has the support of all the people on the Internet. The Click-through Rate per day of Cray Media’s advertisement has exceeded a million. And it’s still rising. This year, the Click-through Rate per day of our advertisement will exceed 10 million. Cray Media will have a bright future and will definitely bee the most outstanding pany in the network media industry!”


He could not stop once he started talking.

Li Yuejing talked obsessively about how bright his pany’s prospects were and how good his pany’s products were.

All the media reporters who were there were speechless.

Next to him, those online streamers, who were bored, gathered round, one by one.

All the viewers on the Internet burst into laughter when they saw Li Yuejing and the faces of those reporters who interviewed him.

“Damn, this man is a f*cking genius!”

“Haha, this promotion is too embarrassing, isn’t it?”

“Look at the faces of those reporters. They look so glum.”

“I’m sure that if someone else shows up, even if the person is from an unknown small pany, these reporters will immediately turn to interview that person without hesitation.”

“Not only them, but I also can’t stand it. This guy is so funny.”

At the age of new media, the media were really used to these people. Many panies were here to gain popularity, but in fact, those who were doing a live stream and their viewers were not aware of this.

The panies which were able to attend the fair had at least hundreds of millions in assets. If they did not reach this level, they would not even be invited.

That was to say, the people outside the hotel being interviewed, could not even enter the hotel, such as Li Yuejing.

With the arrival of a representative of a second small-scale enterprise, all the reporters immediately turned to interview him. As soon as the reporters left, there was no one around Li Yuejing. Originally, he wanted to walk into the hotel in a dignified manner. At most, he could get a hotel room to have a meal and e out after the fair was over. But on second thoughts, he could not miss such a good opportunity to promote his pany.

The official media reporters were gone, but there were still plenty of online media.

Although he did not know how many people would pay attention to these young people’s live streaming, some people would be watching it after all. Even if there was only one viewer, he could still get the attention, which would also have an impact on the pany.

He was also working in the online media industry.

Li Yuejing was not timid at all. As soon as the media reporters left, he immediately walked up to the group of streamers who were doing live streaming online. After chatting for a while, he continued to boast about his pany!

What he did not know was that the live stream viewers were treating him as a joke.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble…” At half past eight, a taxi stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

The media reporters immediately turned their heads to take a look. When they found that it was a taxi, they turned back and continued to interview the boring representative from the small-sized pany.

The online streamers also showed no interest in the taxi at all.

After all, no one would pay attention to a person who did not have a luxurious car, in such a big business fair.

The car door opened.

Fang Qiu, who was not dressed in a formal suit, got out of the taxi and was about to walk straight into the hotel.

“Fang Qiu?” At this moment, a streamer suddenly shouted loudly.

As soon as people heard him shouting, all the media reporters, online streamers and even the small panies’ representatives who came to gain popularity, turned their heads at the same time.

Everyone was initially stunned when they saw Fang Qiu.

Then, everyone became excited.

Whether it was the media reporters or the online streamers, they all rushed over to Fang Qiu immediately. Even those small panies’ representatives rushed up and handed over their business cards to Fang Qiu.

In a short while, Fang Qiu was surrounded by everyone.

The online streamer aimed the camera at Fang Qiu and then shouted, “Fang Qiu, say hello to the audience.”

The media reporter asked, “Fang Qiu, may I ask what made you think of using advertising as an investment? How much do you think the ten advertising slots are worth?”

“Hello, Fang Qiu. I’m from the Cray Media pany. This is my business card. If you want to make online advertisements, e to Cray Media.”

Listening to the babble from the crowd, Fang Qiu was dumbfounded.

If he had known this earlier, he would have stayed over last night.

Now he had hardly got out of the car when he was blocked by so many people.

“Thank you, thank you all.”

Surrounded by the enthusiastic crowd, Fang Qiu was helpless and could only put his palms together and keep nodding while walking forward. As he walked, he said, “After the business fair is over, I’ll reply to you all, including the thing that everyone is most interested in.”

All the people present sensed something as soon as they heard that.

“You can tell us now. Give us a little bit of information.”

“Yes. Why are you opening this to panies from all walks of life in this fair?”

“Can you tell me a little about it?”

“We are not asking for too much. We have been waiting for such a long time, you should give us a little bit more information!”

People said one after another.

They wanted Fang Qiu to say something first so that they could make use of these words to raise the interest of the audience.

But how was this possible?

The fair had not even started yet. How could he say anything about it?

Fang Qiu gave a wry smile. “If you keep blocking me here, I won’t be able to get in. I’m the protagonist after all!”

Everyone laughed. Some people still did not give up and continued asking, but most people stopped blocking him. They directly made way for Fang Qiu and allowed him to go in.

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