Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Resurrection

Chapter 65

“……… . . Ga……ka…… . ha… . . a……”

Melheys lets out a painful breath .

Venuzdonoa has pierced his head but he’s still alive .

“Fumu . It seems a troublesome thing has been embedded in you . ”

A demon slavery sword has been placed in Melheys brain . Even a persons thoughts can be controlled by the owner of the slavery sword .

“Perish . ”

Venuzdonoa destroys the slavery sword placed in Melhys brain .

When I pull venuzdonoa out of Melhey’s head he turns vacant eyes towards me . Gradually they begin to regain colour and life .

“Have you returned to sanity Melheys?”

He lowers his head in gratitude .

“…… . I am extremely sorry Arnos-sama………I was careless…… . ”

When I checked him in the union tower he definitely had no memory of me . I found it hard to believe that he had waited patiently all those years to only to try and kill me .

Of course, it was possible he had successfully hidden his memories from me .

Now though it seems that the aim of Avos Dillheavia was to make me think Melheys was an enemy so I’d kill one of my allies .

Since Ray had had a contract sword stabbed in his body I had toyed with the idea that Melheys might also be in a similar situation .

“Who attacked you?”

Melheys shook his head with an apologetic expression .

“……I don’t know . Even using magic I couldn’t see their face . That night I met Arnos-sama I was attacked by someone and stabbed with the demon slavery sword . I never even noticed they were there until it was too late . Two thousand years ago I stored and prepared myself but I didn’t even have the chance to use it . ”

I see, that’s why he stored it . 2000 years ago after being attacked by subordinates of Avos Dillhevaia he stored to defend himself if he was attacked again .

The other side knew Melheys was a tough opponent who prepared elaborate plans so they used him to try and kill me this time .

Sticking Venuzdonoa in the ground the sword turned back into a shadow and sinks into the shadows under my feet . It is, so to speak, now in its sheath .

“I’d better reconnect that . ”

I take my left hand that’s still grabbing onto Melheys and stick in back onto the stump where it fuses back to my body .

I try moving my fingers .

Fumu . No problems .

“Bring Gaius and Idol here . ”

“Understood . ”

Melheys creates 2 magic gates and the bodies of Gaius and Idol are transported to me .

“What are you going to do?”

“Apart from you, it seems that all the other seven demon emperors have had their origins fused and their bodies taken over . ”

Melheys face turns serious as he considers this information .

“Are they subordinates of Avos Dillhevaia?”

“Aah . ”

When I was dealing with Aivis I had no choice but to exterminate the other origin but it’s different this time .

“There are another two origins serving under Avos Dilheavia here . ”

I draw and activate the magic formation for Root Separation on the corpses of Gaius and Idol separating the two origins fused with their original origins .

“Avos Dillheavia trusted them enough to have them take over the bodies of the old seven demon emperors so they should be familiar with his plans . ”

Taking over the bodies of the old seven demon emperors meant that they were in direct control of the myths and legends of the demon king of tyranny . That type of position wouldn’t be given to strangers or subordinates they didn’t trust .

Even on the off chance they are clueless, there’s a chance that when I bring them back with Resurrection I might know their faces .

After separating their origins I drip two drops of blood .

“Revive and bow before me fools . Show me your identities . ”

As I activate two shock waves smash and cut their way through into this space and e flying towards us cutting the two origins in half right as they are about to be revived eliminating them and leaving nothing behind .

“Wha…… . . !”

As Melheys let out an exclamation of surprise I turn my eyes in the direction of the attack .

A man wearing a sinister-looking mask was standing there with his whole body covered in jet black armour .

Is the mask a magic tool? Even using my demon eyes I can’t feel any magic power ing from him . That also explains why I didn’t notice his attack until it was too late .

“………That’s impossible . Entering from the outside……… . ” Melheys says in a confused voice .

It certainly is unexpected . Forcing your way in from the outside is not easy .

“Fumu . Are you Avos Dillheavia?”


No answer .

“You don’t want to talk? Let’s see what we can do about that . ”

I hold out my hand and the shadow underneath my feet moves revealing a shadow sword that rises up towards my hand .

“…………… . . ”

The hand of the masked man moved slightly and ripped a hole in which he disappeared into .

“Melheys . ”

“………I can’t sense his magic power so it’s difficult to follow him . I can’t find him anywhere in so he’s probably escaped . ”

Did he judge he couldn’t win against Venuzdonoa? He must have seen the fight between me and Melheys .

Only one more second and he would have been rust on my sword . Seems he’s no fool .

He had one purpose only it seems . To dispose of the origins of the subordinates possessing Gaius and Idol . If the origins are destroyed it’s impossible to get any information from them .

“What should I do? I may still be able to follow him . ”

“It’s fine . Leave it . ”

It’s not the time to chase the masked man . I have no doubt he accounted for being followed .

“I’ll give you instructions later . For now, revive Gaius and Idol . ”

The only origins that masked man destroyed were the subordinates of Avos Dillheavia . He left the original origins of Gaius and Idol alone for some reason . As per usual they will have no memories but they can revive in a normal state now .

“Your will . ”

I sheathe Venuzdonoa in the shadows again and open a gate in front of me from which my Kongo Iron sword emerges .

“Are you done here?”

“Aah . ”

I pick up my Kongo Iron sword .

“Please enter my lord . I have connected it to the arena stage . Ray Grandori will also appear there . ”

Nodding I enter the magic gate .

As I walk through the distorted passage I started to hear voices .

“……Oi, what’s happened…… . ?”

“I don’t know . There’s no sound ing from the stage and you can’t sense any magic either…… . ”

“There’s no munication from the management either . What’s going on?”

“Oi, wait a moment . Look there! Is that a figure emerging?”

“…… . . Aah, it is……Has the magic been cancelled…… . ? One person’s standing and the other is on the floor…… . . ”

“Has it been settled?”

“Who won?”

The magic fades and disappears .

What the audience saw was me standing there with my Kongo Iron sword and Ray on his back next to a broken Initeio .

The owl’s voice rings out .

“The destruction of player Ray Grandori’s sword has been confirmed . Winner, Arnos Voldigod!”

*WAAAAAAAAAAAA* A great cheer overflowed from the arena .

“Yes! Arnos-chan won!!”

“Aah……that’s right . Our son’s great after all . ”

I can hear my mother and father .

“As expected . Arnos-sama is the best in the world!”

“Indeed . Arnos-sama is super cool…… . . *sniff*…… . Uuuuu… . ”

“Wait, why are you crying?”

“Because I’m so impressed……All the rules helped the royal faction and hindered Arnos-sama……… . . but he won without plaining……”

“Enough already . Being so serious all of a sudden . ”

“I’m always serious!”

The girls of my fan union are in tears .

A grand applause es from the audience seating . Most of them were mixed-bloods but they were all very happy . They were in such a state clapping and screaming it looks like they could go on forever .

Eventually, the cheers settled and the owl spoke .

“The closing ceremony will be held later but right now player Arnos will be awarded a souvenir demon sword . ”

A girl wearing a dress enters the arena holding a demon sword in both hands .

Blue eyes and with her blonde hair down the girl had a familiar face .

ing closer the girl smiles at me .

“Congratulations . ”

She presents me the souvenir magic sword .

“Fumu . What are you doing Sasha?”

Sasha immediately looked a bit awkward .

“Misha is with Isabella so don’t worry . Anyway, the match is over so you can do what you want now”

“I didn’t ask that . ”

Sasha glares at me with dissatisfaction .

“You don’t seem to know but the Necron family is a prestigious family . We are not very good with swords so we honour the champions of the tournament instead . ”

I see . Because Sasha is a direct descendant of one of the old seven demon emperors she’s in the right social position to do it . It’s all about giving prestige to the winner .

“Hey, just accept this sword already . ”

Sasha holds out the demon sword again .

“That’s not the attitude someone who’s supposed to be praising me should have is it?”

I casually take the demon sword .

“…… . I’ll do it properly…… . ”

Sasha blushes and looks at my face .

“Congratulations Arnos Voldigod and blessings to your sword . ”

Closing her eyes tightly Sasha stretches out towards me and lightly touches my cheek with her lips .

Applause once again overflowed from the seats .

“I said it… . . ” Sasha says while looking down and not meeting my eyes .

“Was there such a rule? If you didn’t want to do this they couldn’t make you . ”

“I know that . I don’t need you telling me . ”

Sasha’s face suddenly looked like she wanted to dodge the question before averting her eyes with a frustrated look .

“…… . I said I’d do it because I thought you’d win……” Sasha mutters weakly .

Her words faltered as she searched for the words she wanted .

“I have no intention of honouring any demon king……… . . apart from you……”

She’s speaking some pretty cute words which make me smile unintentionally .

“That’s a good intention . ”

“…… . Hmph…… . You’re as self-important as ever…… . ”

Contrary to what she said Sasha’s mouth softened .

“Ah . ”

Sasha let out a voice like she’d remembered something and drew the magic formation for Thought Transmission in front of me . It was programmed to transmit to the audience .

“Arnos Voldigod . Can you tell us how you’re feeling right now?”

“Aah . ”

There is something I need to say .

“I was able to win thanks to this sword . ”

I lift it over my head and show off my Kongo Iron sword .

“This sword that my father fcomed with his hopes and desires had the same strength as the demon sword Initeio . Its power es from the heart and not magic . My father is a true master craftsman . ”

I turn my eyes to the seats .

“Thank you father . ”

Looking at my father I can see his face is strongly trying to endure something .

I listened carefully to my father’s voice .

“……What’s he saying Isabella……? Shouldn’t he be saying something to the teachers of the school…… . ? That swords no big deal . Everything he achieved was down to his own power and because he worked so hard——”

My father sheds tears while being deeply moved and my mother smiled a gentle smile with tears in her eyes .

“…… . He really is something……I’m not happy Isabella……”

My mother gently strokes my fathers trembling back .

“We are now ready for the closing ceremony . Can all spectators please move to the throne . ”

The owls voice rings out and the audience stand up and begin to move .

Looking over at Ray he’s surrounded by a number of doctors but they are struggling with his wounds . They are using recovery magic but it doesn’t look like he’s healing .

“I’ll do it . You can go”

I cast Anti-magic Healing on Ray .

His wounds heal in a moment and his eyes open slightly .

“……… . Is it over?”

Did you lose consciousness for a while? Ray looks a bit absentminded .

“It was a good game . ”

I hold out my hand to the fallen Ray who reaches up and grabs it .

“It’s the most frustrating feeling to lose . ” Ray says to me while standing up . “But next time I’ll win and defend you at the same time . ”

“I look forward to it . ”

Me and Ray exchange smiles .

“…… . Ray-san, Arnos-sama…… . !”

A voice drew near to us .

Looking up Misa is running down the seats towards us with lots of tears in her eyes .

Her face is very pale and it doesn’t look like she’s very impressed with my victory .

“Are you okay… . . Misa-san?”

Ray is worried and calls out to her .

“… . . Sorr… . . ”

Misa attempts to talk but her voice catches in her throat .


“…………I’m……… . . sorry……”

Misa’s voice falteringly es out full of apology and guilt .

“…… . Ray-sans mother……I……I……a bit more……just a bit……she became energetic……I couldn’t protect her……she recovered…… . . ”

“Don’t worry about it . ”

When I said that Misa’s eyes rounded and she looked at me with a questioning expression .

“Sheila’s spirit disease is cured . ”

I drip a single drop of blood down and cast Resurrection .

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