MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 531 Hopten Beach

Chapter 531 Hopten Beach: Resurrection

Chapter 531 Hopten Beach

The Vine Men attacked Ren all at once, using their vines to lash out at him. Ren quickly conjured a shield around himself, deflecting the vines with ease. He then casted a spell to send a powerful blast of energy towards the Vine Men, but they were too quick and agile, dodging the attack.

Ren then decided to change tactics. He knew that the Vine Men were immune to fire, water, and wind, so he conjured a bolt of a sphere in his hand and hurled it at the closest Vine Man. The creature shrieked in pain as it was engulfed in electricity, but the other three Vine Men quickly surrounded Ren, preventing him from escaping.

Ren knew he had to act fast. He quickly used a spell to create a gust of wind, blowing the Vine Men back and giving him some space to breathe. He then conjured a powerful bolt of lightning and sent it toward the Vine Men, hitting all four of them at once.

The Vine Men were electrocuted and stunned, giving Ren the opportunity to finish them off. He released a powerful blast of sunrays, burning the Vine Men to a crisp. The creatures writhed and twisted in pain as they slowly turned to ash.

When they were destroyed, they crumbled into piles of shriveled vine.

The fight was quickly over before anyone could notice what was going on.

"A little help would have been appreciated," Ren said to the Princess.

"I know you can take care of something like that yourself," she answered with a wink.

Following the battle, a frogfolk elder named Blipoog approached Ren and Elena, thanking them for their help.

"Thank you, strangers," said Blipoog, and he explained, "Those animated plants and vine creatures have been trying to steal the children of the village for the past few weeks. Now, the attacks have escalated to a full assault on the floating village."

"If you don't mind. Can we ask that you find the person behind the attacks and stop them?"

[Blipoog asked you to help him]

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