I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 371 - Confluence

Chapter 371 - Confluence: Resurrection

Chapter 371 - Confluence

After the battle, we’ve got lots of things that need to be done but……

As expected, we can’t just depart for Alion right away.

Even though we had shift rotations, we’ve been fighting for three days.

If it’s just a few people who need rest, we can move while resting.

We can have those that need rest in the carriage while the rest marches forward.

However, we must also allow the soldiers to rest.

At the moment, it’s still unclear how much fighting strength the enemy has left.

Even the familiars skilled in gathering information had their limits.

We aren’t able to grasp the whole picture with them.

Also, sorting out the injured is necessary.

Not everyone can return to battle immediately.

[Among the reinforcements from the Faraway Country who joined us on the third day were the Forbidden Race———— the Kurosagas, but were they following along with the others?]

It was a bolt from the blue.

Reacting to my words was Liese.


……Seemingly as if she didn’t know.

After splitting up from Liese and the others, they secretly joined in later huh.

Seras leaned closer once again……

[Only Armia-dono and some of the Lamias knew about their presence here. Because of the nature of the Forbidden Race, they are easy targets by Vysis———- so they were advised by them to hide their identities while moving.]

Notifying the others, I tried to leave the tent, leaving Loqierra and the others behind.

Liese seemed to want to acpany me, trying to get up from her seat, but I stopped her.

[Gio and Qir can just e with me. You stay here and continue with the military council.]

[Your voice?]

[Yeah, I’ve changed my outfit from what I was wearing before after all. My old Fly King outfit was worn out, so I got a new one.]

[I see.]

[Weren’t you staying in the Faraway Country?]

Fugi looks up at me and nods.

[Unn, I was going to stay.]

e to think of it, she was a child who referred to herself with “boku” like Loqierra huh……

Fugi turns her gaze at the people with black wings behind her——— the Kurosagas.

[We were going to stay.]

[I suppose even if I ask the reason for ing———–]


Fugi looks straight up at her mother……

[This isn’t just my own decision. Everyone decided this after thinking about it.]


As if to confirm her words, Munin turned her face to the other Kurosagas.

Thereupon, a male Kurosaga stepped forward.

[Chief…… It’s just, letting you bear everything alone, that’s just strange. Please let us fight too. If it’s resolve you’re looking for————]

The man slapped his chest.

[We have them here.]

[But I…… Everyone’s lives…… will be in danger———-]


Munin’s face as she looked down at Fugi looked shaken.


[I don’t want it———- I don’t.]

Seemingly clinging to her, Fugi embraces Munin.

[If we’re going to die, even if it’s for a little bit more time———- until the end———- I want to be together with Munin! If I can contribute to defeating the Goddess———– I want to help out too…… ———–I want to help out Mom! Thinking that———– Thinking that we “might” get separated like that…… I don’t like it——– at all……!]

The way she raised her voice……


She’s someone who had never raised her voice for quite a long time.

And for her emotions to explode like that———- this is probably the first time as well.

Fugi sobbed in Munin’s arms.

[Geez…… ———You really are……————-]

As she hugged Fugi with one hand, Munin covered her mouth with the other.

Fugi———- still leaning on Munin’s bosom, voiced her wish.

[Together with everyone.]

Munin…… was biting her lip.

It was evident her feelings were already leaning one way.

However, she hadn’t fully resolved the conflict in her mind yet.

While placing her hands on Fugi’s shoulders, Munin looked at me.

Others followed suit, looking at me as if seeking an answer.

They all had eyes seeking an answer.

However, just this one time———–

[Just on this matter…… I’m leaving the decision to you, Munin.]

She understood my answer.

“It won’t change.”

Perhaps, that’s the answer I should give.

“Whether she’s here or not, the odds won’t change.”

If I were to state such a lie……

Fugi might not have to participate in the decisive battle.

[……Whichever you choose, I’ll do everything I can. Whether it’s for building from scratch———– or for rebuilding something. That’s a promise. Besides…… Fugi’s participation had never been incorporated into the plan from the start. It’s just…….]


[The enemy’s numbers, strength, abilities…… The possibility of their side having unknown abilities…… As long as the enemy’s full capabilities remain unclear, it’s better to have more options on our side———- That’s the truth.]

I stated the facts as they were.

What Munin sought here wasn’t just “consideration”.

I had sensed that.


[“Emotions” can be tricky and difficult at times.]


That’s why they’re valuable, right?

The Goddess Subjugation Alliance crossed the border and finally entered Alion territory.

As far as what the familiars could confirm, Vysis has yet to move from Enoh.

However, it’s said that armed Sacraments are gathering around Enoh.

But so far, we haven’t sighted any Sacrament along the way.

Is it possible that there are still Demon Emperor items hidden in some fortress?

Perhaps, had they activated it and sent out Golden-eyed monsters and Human-Faceds our way again……?

Also, although it’s just a side note, some interesting developments happened.

Bakuos Empire, located southeast of Alion.

We’re currently in a cooperative relationship with Bakuos’ Black Dragon Knights.

However, Bakuos, the country itself, has been somewhat indecisive until now.

Bakuos is geographically quite close to Alion.

Hence, it might have been difficult for them to make a move———- This certainly is plausible.

They might have feared being crushed by the Sacrament Army before we could arrive.

But now, that Bakuos have begun to seriously send reinforcements.

Perhaps, they may have been observing our———– the Goddess Subjugation Alliance’s fate.

The Mad Emperor had this to say about their move.

[They might be trying to keep a way out in case the Goddess’ side wins, explaining to her how “the Black Dragon Knights and some Bakuos soldiers only sympathized with Cattleya and acted independently against the Goddess’ forces”.]

From a country’s perspective, one might say it’s clever.

Of course, such a thought also holds “shrewdness” within it.

Or perhaps, they changed their mind after receiving those audio recordings and videos.

To me, the latter seemed more likely.

That said, now it all depends…… on how Jonato moves.

White Wolf King——— Magnar sided with us.

This had already been confirmed by the magical war pigeon sent out from Mira’s Imperial Capital.

Confirmation via magical war pigeon inevitably involves a significant time lag.

It’s not as immediate as phone calls or messaging apps.

Of course, we’re helpless trying to make use of signal waves using our skills……

That aside, familiars can achieve something similar.

We’re currently following that route.

It’s the shortest route to Enoh in terms of arrival time.

Actually, even in the discussions with the Mad Emperor, we were originally planning to use this route.

It seems Liz and the others had also screened out the routes.

At that moment though……

[Umm, Fly King-sama.]

A messenger arrived.

I think she should be a messenger who es at low-priority times……

[A strange woman is asking to meet you……]


There have been strong-willed merchants who have also e here and shown their business acumen.

Is this another one of them again……

“We want to offer our town as a place of rest for Your Majesty and everyone.”

There are people who offer this.

Occasionally, such individuals have e to visit “higher-ups” along the way.

However, among those whose identities we haven’t confirmed……

“I want to meet the Fly King”

There hasn’t been anyone like that……

[Did she identify herself?]

The woman who came to report seemed to have remembered something and spoke.

[She said “If you tell Fly King Belzegia that it’s Second Oath Astarva, he should know me”.]



That name feels oddly familiar.

[She also mentioned that if I can’t inform Fly King-sama, I could tell Seras Ashrain-sama…… or Machia Renaufia-sama, they would confirm her identity.]

The messenger described the woman’s characteristics.


……Why is she here?

How did she manage to get through “there”?

No———- even Liz assisting us through her familiars was unexpected.

In that case……

The possibility of her appearing technically isn’t zero huh.

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