Game Market 1983

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Resurrection

Chapter 93

Industrial espionage.

"A person who knowingly discloses confidential technical information about a pany or other pany to which he or she is affiliated and harms the pany. ’I know, but no matter how much I thought about it, I didn't think that I had done enough damage to Mintendo.

Of course, those preliminaries are just the key to industrial espionage, and more broadly, my accusations are...

Yeah, should I say "Dual Duke"?

Before time slips, in 2015, there were some employees who secretly squeezed other panies' coding into their part-time jobs, which ended up being a small allowance, but in my case, the scale was a little different.

Hussein, the lawyer sitting in front of me, was also making a very embarrassing face.

“This is... subtle. ”


“If there is any action, there must be damage, and it is very difficult because there is profit. Mintendo said," I had a bigger advantage, but I only made this much. ’There's nothing to say, but it's hard to guarantee a greater advantage. In this case, we have to look at the terms of Junhyuk's contract. ”

“My contract? ”

“If the ownership of the creation of the employee you are working for is stated in the pany regulations, there is a bit of a problem. Oh, by the way, when you were making a game called Dragon Emblem, did you ever use any of Mintendo's cartridge factories or mintendo's possessions? ”

“No. The cartridge, as Hussee knew, used a poor stock cartridge he had during his acquisition of the triangle soft. ”

“That's good. because if you haven't used the Mintendo facility at all, you've found at least one loophole. So the most troubling thing is the fact that Minten was released to the Pentagon during his tenure.

The streets without me. ”

“Is the contract for mintendo the only way to get out of it? ”

“Yes, it is. I remend that you go back to your home and take a look at your current employment contract with Mintendo. ”

On Hussein's advice, I pressed and asked him repeatedly.

“Hussein, is there any way we can make this easy and tidy? I don't have one or two games to go into right now.”

“I do.”

“Really? What's that? ”

“Cleanly follow Mintendo's suggestion and enter the second party. And then we can move on. ”

“ ……. ”

“Of course, you don't want that, do you? Actually, it's a personal opinion, but somehow I feel...”

Hussein, who had a deep wrinkle around his eyes and a loving smile, slowly said with his hands on the table.

“Kamauchi, president of Mintendo, seems to want to talk to Junhyuk. ”


“In fact, if Mintendo had really decided to sue Junhyuk, he wouldn't have even warned him. The message would have been immediately put into action. ”

However, it makes sense to hear what Hussee said. Kamauchi has the same personality. I stared at the phone on my desk without saying anything for a moment.

“Hey, can I use your phone? ”

“Of course, it's lunchtime, and if you want, we'll leave you alone, so use as much as you want. ”

“Just a minute, then."

After a while, Hussein cleared the office for a meal, and left alone, I took the game & watch out of my bag after looking through the door.

“Phew... I've been busy lately, and it's been a long time since I saw you. But do these have batteries left? ”

The last time I checked the market information and opened it two months ago...

Games & watches used mercury batteries that were easily available in the watch room, but the battery time was much longer than I expected.

So far, switching batteries over to '83 is as good as ten fingers.

I opened the lid slightly anxious and pressed the power button, and a brief moment later, a blue light came on the screen.

Thank goodness. It's working. Hmm... huh? It's a little different from the sponsorship game I've seen before...?

Wait, this interface screen...

It's like three countries.

Yes, a massive virtual continent was emerging in the Games & Watches, with today's released consoles occupying part of the virtual continent.

Of course, the pany that occupied the most territories was Mintendo.

Being on a fictional continent of two-thirds, including families, superfamilies, and portable gamblers really reminded me of the great nation of the Three Kingdoms. (Kamachi's behavior is similar to that of Cao Cao Cao's...) And even though Minten in the lower right is not the same as Minten's, NEGA, the second-largest console industry with a fairly large territory, overlaps with the country of the Three Kingdoms.

Finally, there should have been a cluster of late console panies such as PC-engines and MSX. Is this still the era of the heroes...

Do you want to start the -CEO game? -

Starting with the pany game, getting to know each other's concerns and helping them with the sponsorship game, are you now the CEO game?

I was overwhelmed, but not surprisingly, I had already experienced the evolution process as a sponsor game.

As I pressed the start button with a mouthful of laughter, a tiny territory called the Pentagon was created at the end of the continent.

The CEO game was easier to adapt because the interface itself resembled a tri-country that I had enjoyed a lot before.

After going through the game for a while, I realized something interesting.

It was because the monarchs in the tribal territory were able to see at a glance the abilities of those they had e in contact with in the sponsor game as if they were studying the abilities of their subordinates.

As a test, I clicked on the Mauritan, and various information appeared in the job description along with a character designer.

"Monster Design Lv.2, Beautiful Girl Design Lv.8, and Sexy Design Lv.10... Exactly."

While I was studying Morita's abilities, I was curious about the Level Up button flashing next to her skill and pressed it.

-Morita requires the following items to level up its sexy design: Illustration of Yoshihara Satoshi's Sword Grangrissa Character Vol. 2 Yoshihara's Illustration Book? That thing you're selling at the bookstore?

Since it's an item, I thought you might need something enormous, but it looks like you're getting a reference from a student who's studying.

In case you were wondering, this time I clicked on Chendra, and like Morita, I came up with various skill information. Among them, what I examined first was Chendra's other abilities.

-Flash Memory Development Research Lv.1-

“Ah!! ”

Suddenly, I felt resilient in my remaining office without even knowing it.

This is it! This is it!! '

It contained all the information I needed most right now.

I held back my excitement for a moment and looked at the game for a while. Because I thought, if this virtual continent is a console, there's definitely a game soft.

And after a while. On the game screen, I found an icon that I suspect refers to the game software.

- The world of Jesus...

Just in case, when I clicked on the icon, the world of zither that supports the virtual continent unfolded.

This place, woven like a spider web by many game developers, was at a glance the foundation of the artificial continent.

How did you figure it out in the first place?

That's because 80% of the panies in the underworld had connections that were supporting Mintendo on the artificial continent.

Among them, our Pentagon was occupying quite a large territory in the underworld, with the largest trunk supporting mintendo.

Especially Mintendo's portable Gambo was showing the greatest Contribution Points thanks to the Tamago monster, and the distance without me in the second super family was showing the least.

That means... realizing that these two stalks are the bargaining points with Minten, I look up at the phone on the desk, raising the tail of one mouth.

After I put the game & watch back in my bag for a moment, I thought about it. You turn the dial with the handset. It was a direct phone number that did not go through Camouflage's assistant.

A few beeps rang for a moment and the voice of Camouflage was heard behind the handset.

“Kang Gun? I was fortunate to wait 10 more minutes and then skip the phone call as soon as I tried to sue you. ”

As soon as I got the call, I heard a relaxed voice in Kamachi's voice. I felt that I could be eaten if I showed weakness here. I took a short breath and opened my mouth in a bright voice.

“I'm having a great time, right? How have you been? Boss.”

“Kid. He said that in the conference room yesterday and asked me if he was doing well. Your audacity and your audacity remain intact. ”

Fortunately, I heard Kamauchi's voice, and it seemed like he wanted to talk to me, as Hussee said.

I guess that means I didn't even know I took over the Litex factory as a rear peacock.

Well, if he knew that, he would have talked and filed a plaint...

“I'm glad you're looking well, though. ”

“Of course, because our pany doesn't suck enough to be shaken by that announcement. ”

“You're right. ”

You hear Kamuchi's little sigh behind the handset.

“But it's true that my heart aches a little. ”

“I'm sorry to leave Mintendo and give you this news. It's better to e and talk to them in person than to have this important conversation over the phone, right? ”

“Yes, you do know something. Then I'll wait for you. ”

“I'll see you tomorrow morning, then. Please keep your schedule empty. ”

As soon as I got off the phone with Kamauchi, I let out a long sigh.

You're a hard man. Even when I'm older, I have a unique streak...

Just after finishing eating, Hussein returned to his office.

“Oh, you're here? ”

“Yes, did you speak to the mintendo side during my meal? ”

“Yes. As Hussein said, Mr. Kamauchi wanted to talk to me. We decided to meet at the Minten headquarters in Kyoto tomorrow morning. ”

“Really? Well, I hope it's resolved...”

“Well, that might be easy, but I'll call you at the office tomorrow afternoon. ”

“Yes, I'll wait for your call. ”

I left the office after thanking Hussein for his counseling.


The next day, on my first morning trip to Shinkansen, I put a cigarette in front of the mintendo headquarters in Kyoto at 10 am and asked.

"It's been a long time."

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