Divine Path System

Chapter 1528 A Mad, Mad Plan

Chapter 1528 A Mad, Mad Plan: Resurrection

Chapter 1528 A Mad, Mad Plan

As soon as the world was affected, the regression ring cracked.

The last regression got cancelled and they were back to the time of present, when the devil broke out of the seal and attacked the world.

The red sky that greeted them might not have ended it, but it reminded them more of the timeless world than the scary devil.

Isadora's emotions went into an intense turmoil and her aura soared. Sarah quickly placed barriers to hide them away from the powerful auras present all over the world.

Soon, the princess floated into the air and a power far greater than any celestial began to emerge from her.

Varian, on the other hand, gently rubbed his head and looked at the sky. The memories in his head began to fix themselves and the one billion years turned into just one full year.

It wasn't bad to have a billion years of memories and experience, but it's bad when they were built on a distorted perception.

Perhaps that's why, he began to feel light again, as if a big burden on his shoulders was removed permenantly.

If he didn't break out of the world by himself, it might've remained as a trauma he wouldn't have fcomotten.

Thankfully, while he took assistance, he did the major work. So, he was able to convince himself that not only did he get out of that hellish place, he need not fear it.

"If only the curse is also removed…" He gritted his teeth.

"Icarus, that's his name." Sarah sat beside him on the mountain top and followed up with a kiss.

"He'll lose against Fabricator?" Varian asked.

"Miss Calamity said the odds for him are 1:99. Even though he's stretched too thin and might not even use a fraction of his power, Fabricator is still a peak rank 1. Icarus is either very brave or very desperate to even consider attacking."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Isadora's power finally began to sublimate and she began to step into the divine ranks in the truest sense.

The sheer shockwaves from it would've seriously injured or even killed them if she didn't actively shield them herself.

At this point, Sarah's shields had turned meaningless and the devil had sensed their presence.

Isadora withdrew all the aura and a silvery light began to emerge from her. For a brieft moment, she looked like a goddess descending from heaven.

"I'll return with his head shortly. Carry on."

She disappeared at a speed beyond their senses could even register.

Varian's lips twitched and he shook his head. "…anyway, where was I?"


"Can one of you join the battle? Don't put yourself at risk but increase pressure on Fabricator."

Sarah quickly grasped his intentions and looked at him like he's crazy. "Stop what you're planning. He's a peak rank 1."

"Even a peak rank 1 can't run these many worlds when each of them have very special rules of order. I'm not a divine ranker but I have some idea thanks to the slivers. Even for a peak rank 1, it should be an isane task. No wonder that guy is in deep sleep."

"But still—"

"Calamity said it, didn't she? Even Icarus had a 1% chance of victory. That's how bad the situation is for Fabricator. I just want you to keep more pressure on him. Not to the point he'd get alarmed and e out of his sleep. But enough that he wouldn't focus of anything else." Varian said in a light tone but his eyes turned cold at some point.

He could've escaped this world after clearing one world or at least bought a spare life if he didn't get the special treatment.

Fcomet escaping, even a spare life would've been enough. Isadora would've exited the timeless world when the option came up and he'd have ended himself.

But no, that bastard not only made his life hard, he had the audacity to give him some **ing choices when he was going crazy.

No matter what, Fabricator would have to pay for his role.

"We're playing with fire." Sarah sighed. "If anything happens to a peak rank 1, entire Nexus will e down to find out who did it."

"I know." Varian exhaled. "But thankfully, they aren't time awakeners who can just check the criminals. And Hortus has a good security from searches like these. Even more so if I hit the divine rank."

Sarah looked at him with a plicated expression.


"This is madness but okay. Fabricator had remained inactive for thousands of years. Even if he dies, the blame would first go to Icarus. We'll be secondary suspects. Most likely the 'mercenaries' he hired.

With Hortus and our divine powers covering the tracks, it might take a few years until they find out. And I trust you can take care of the situation by then."

Sarah said but rather than telling him, it seemed like she was trying to convince herself.

Varian only shrugged.

Even though he didn't say it out loud, he didn't think he'd get much time.

'Immortal knows Isadora. He's after her but he also wants the slivers and thinks she has the slivers. When he finds out that she doesn't, his biggest suspicion would turn to me.'

This might happen next week or next month or next year. But for now, only this one battle mattered.

'Fabricator, Icarus.'


Like a chain was broken, the restrictive feeling Varian had since a while vanished. And as it did, his aura quickly surged a bit before stabilizing.


[Rank 8

Paragon Body: 20,000/25,000 ( 5,000)

Ignis: 20,000/25,000 ( 5,000)

Death Giant: 20,000/25,000 ( 5,000)

Order: 20,000/25,000 ( 10,000)

Chaos: 20,000/25,000 ( 10,000)

Space: 20,000/25,000 ( 5,000)

Time: 20,000/25,000 ( 5,000)

Note: "Explosive Growth Stage"

Maiden World: 2 billion

Unprecedented Ending: 2 billion

Heart of Rock: 1 billion x 2

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