Divine Path System

Chapter 1192 Madness

Chapter 1192 Madness: Resurrection

Chapter 1192 Madness

In the end, Varian ended up clashing against the peak rank 5 dinosaur. He was no match, as expected.

As a rank 3, he could jump a whole rank and take down rank 4s. Even without the artifacts, he had a good chance of killing high rank 4s. With the boost of the artifacts, he could bring down low rank 5 beasts.

But that's about it.

Fighting a peak rank 5 was only asking for abuse.

The earth split open and a humanoid figure slammed deep into the ground, forming a tunnel extending hundreds of miles.

Varian's arms which blocked the dinosaur's frontal attack were crushed and were barely hanging onto his shoulders. And as he drilled into the ground due to the fierce moment, hell was awaiting him.

The insane speed at which he was thrown into the ground was met by the equally fierce underground filled with tough rocks, stones, and gems. Tough in relative to a rank 5. For others, they'd be unbreakable.

A horrifying pain seared his body as sharp rocks pierced his skin, dug into his muscles, and scraped his bones.

He didn't even have the luxury to scream because the stones would go inside and wreak havoc.

Varian curled up instinctively to protect himself. His heart was pierced, and so were his lungs. He was protecting his brain but it still got a few cuts. His limbs? They were ripped out by a few sharp rocks a moment earlier.

It was a terrifying experience but thankfully, it ended there.

[That didn't seem to be a pleasant experience.]

'What do you thin—ouch!' Varian flinched as a prickling sensation shot up his brain.

[Maybe you should use the slivers. It'll be easier to get rid of the thing with some planning.]

'No.' The space around Varian loosened first and then solidified, creating an empty space in the underground for him.

With a thought, all the rocks embedded inside his body, blood, comans, and even the brain were plucked out.

Varian flinched once again as the sharp sensations overwhelmed his senses for a moment.

'Slivers are my last resort. If I meet a really strong enemy, chances are, they'll know about the slivers somehow.'

So, unless he was confident of killing them and keeping the details of the battle secret, it's very dangerous to use the slivers.

If even something as small as rumors about the slivers began, then Varian wouldn't need to doubt whether powerhouses of the kingdoms and even the empire would e after him.

They would. And in front of overwhelming strength, neither he nor his empire could survive.

[But you can't fight in your current state. Even with the famine's great healing, it'll take time.]

The space around Varian distorted and he appeared over a large forest.

'You're right!' With just a torso and a head, he really can't fight much.

A tremendous roar shook the sky and a crimson dot began to fly towards Varian. The dinosaur wasn't letting go.

It'd be here in two-three minutes at most. But he'd need at least ten minutes to heal back to his peak.

'But I am Famine!' Varian's eyes turned silver and all his powers were concentrated onto the Spirit path, pushing it to peak of rank 4.

Then, a spirit attack swept the forest, disturbing the stronger creatures and stunning the creatures of rank 1 and rank 2. The rank 3s suffered from dizziness.

'I will devour and grow.' Varian's power concentration shifted to space which also reached peak of rank 4.

The space around the rank 1, rank 2 and the rank 3 beasts exploded, killing them instantly, and collapsed into a space crack that opened in front of Varian.

Varian's body glowed dark green and his rank 3 famine path soared to peak of rank 4.

Famine (Rank 3) —> Assimilator (Peak Rank 4)

The corpses of the beasts all disappeared into the bottomless pit of the Assimilator and an overwhelming vitality filled Varian to the brink.

It was like taking a nice hot bath while getting a good massage. It was so relaxing that you'd wish it could go on forever.

When he came to his senses shortly, Varian realized his body had healed pletely. And due to his massive intake, there was a surprise he didn't expect.

[Famine Rank 3: 500/500 [ 100, 300]

Assimilating is something only rank 4s and above Assimilators can do. But you've done it as a rank 3 famine. You reaped tremendous gains.

Do you want to advance now?

You will walk down the path of an Assimilator if you do.

If you wish for another path, you can regress and try again.]


A beam of aura shot into the sky and all life forms nearby felt a tremendous life form climbing a step in the pyramid.

Varian swung his arms and checked his physical capabilities. There was definitely improvement but the focus wasn't on raw strength.

He pointed a finger towards a rank 3 carnivorous tree. The life force inside it shook violently and the green tree began to wilt.

After a meaningless struggle, it flew into Varian's hand and broke into tiny pieces before getting absorbed into his body.

[ 1 XP]

Even though he devoured the entire tree's life force, Varian realized he was able to absorb only a tiny portion of it. The efficiency was pathetic. But the ability itself was awesome.

Out of curiosity, Varian opened his status panel.

[Mystic Rank 3: 400/500 [ 200]

Assimilator Rank 4: 301/1000

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