The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 421

Chapter 421: Resurrection

Chapter 421

421 The world of adults is so plicated

“Good girl, my sister is the most obedient!”

Li Mumu held Tang Tang in her arms and stroked her soft hair as she said this lovingly.

Tang Tang gestured to Mumu a few more times, and Mumu understood her meaning.

“Little fool, even if you have a younger brother or sister in the future, I will still dote on you. You are all my babies! I won’t be lonely because I have you guys!”

Even if he had many people to acpany him, they were all adults. Even if they acpanied him every day, he would still feel that something was missing.

Ever since Tang Tang came back, he knew what he was missing. It was the pany and growth of his childhood.

Tang Tang wrapped her arms around Mumu’s neck and kissed him on the cheek. Her small mouth moved as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she did not say anything.

Mumu sighed slightly. She had heard her father and brother Feng say that it was not that Tang Tang was born unable to speak, it was just that she resisted speaking, or that no one had spoken to her since she was young …

No matter what the reason was, it made li Mumu’s heart ache.

In fact, Mumu could also tell Tang Tang that her mouth didn’t need to talk, as it would rust and bee useless after a long time.

However, he knew that this was different from using his hands. He was afraid that Tang Tang would feel unfortable.

Take it slow! He believed that the pany and love of his family would allow her to speak.

If his sister didn’t say anything, he would say more. It could be considered as teaching her how to speak.

After Feng Yan finished washing the dishes, he went to the bathroom and washed his hands. He kept feeling that there was oil and a smell on his hands, which made him unfortable.

that’s just your imagination. My mom cooks every day, but it still smells good!

Looking at brother Feng’s slanted eyebrows, li Mumu forted him obediently.

“Give me the phone!”

Feng Yan sat down next to Tang Tang and carried her on his lap as he said this to Mumu.

If he didn’t feel that someone was secretly taking photos of him, how could he continue living?

what’s the hurry? 9 pm, I’ll post it in the group. I’ll definitely increase your fans!

Li Mumu smiled. Her handsome and cool appearance could predict how many young men and women she would charm in the future …

Feng Yan’s eyes narrowed. He had just seen a few people in the group. There were only two women, and both of them already had someone in their hearts. How did they gain fans?

Tang Tang made a few gestures and kissed Feng Yan with a smile.

“You also think he’s handsome?”

Feng Yan asked gently as he stroked Tang Tang’s soft hair.

Tang Tang had said that he was very handsome in the photo.

Now, Feng Yan could already understand the meaning of Tang Tang’s gestures very well.

He had discussed with li beixiao that they would not let Tang Tang learn any sign language. This was good. They all believed that one day, Tang Tang would speak. That day would e.

Mumu’s appeal was very strong.

He opened his WeChat at nine O ‘clock. As soon as he spoke, everyone came out except for his biological parents.

[ young master mu: report! Report! ]

Tide: 1

Ice: 2

Fire: 3

Small trumpets: 4

Lord Jue was speechless.

[ young master mu: Sir Jue, please count properly. ]

Lord: 5

The mander was speechless.

Master mu was speechless.

Brother Feng: 7

Master mu: ” where’s my uncle Chu? ”

[ small trumpet: I’m sick, I’m sick, I’m sick. Important things have to be repeated three times. ]

[ fire: you shut up. ]

The small trumpet replied,”okay okay okay …” I will shut up … (Shy emoji)

The mander,”your parents?”

“I’m at the hotel, I’m at the hotel, I’m at the hotel, I’ll repeat important things three times!”

The mander was speechless.

[ the small trumpet: sleep, sleep, sleep. sleep, that, that, that, that … ] (Shyly covering face emoji)

[ fire: I told you to shut up … ]

The small trumpet replied,”yes, yes, yes, yes, yes …” I’ll shut up (shut up emoji)

Mumu, who was looking at her mobile phone, felt that the adult world was so plicated, and the loudspeaker lady was really noisy.

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