The Mech Touch

Chapter 5836 Uncomfortable Truths

Chapter 5836 Uncomfortable Truths: Resurrection

Chapter 5836 Unfortable Truths

5836 Unfortable Truths

The fleeters had worked themselves into a predicament.

The Brain Trust, their unique and experimental comanic AI core array, was starting to transform into a liability.

Due to the unexpected new variables that had e into play, the precious brains taken from a large variety of fleeter officers spontaneously began to spawn new and fractured intelligences.

If this took place back in the old galaxy and during the Age of Mechs, the researchers working for the mon Fleet Alliance would have celebrated this occasion with great enthusiasm.

This was because their dream was ing true!

Even if the Brain Trust as a whole was not designed to acmodate multiple different personalities at once, the fact that just one of these brains-in-a-vat had spawned something akin to an 'artificial intelligence' represented a massive breakthrough in their ambition to develop true sentient AIs!

Unfortunately, the Brain Trust was no longer part of an active research project anymore. Instead of occupying a well-

equipped lab where the fleeters could control almost every variable, it had been integrated into the heart of a strategically important dreadnought.

Dread Captain Volkert Argile explained the truth without any obfuscation. As much as it shamed him to admit this grievous error to an outsider, the Red Fleet needed all the help they could get at this point.

"The shipwrights responsible for selecting the Brain Trust as the primary control system of the Dominion of Man did so with the assumption that it was a failed experiment. The research team that had worked on this comanic AI core array has tried long and hard to generate sentience in these preserved brains, to no avail. The researchers must be regretting the fact that they have all chosen to remain behind in the old galaxy. Their lifelong dream is ing true before them… yet they are too far away to witness this transformation."

Ves raised his eyebrow. "Shouldn't the Red Fleet have plenty of other researchers who would be glad to restart this research project?"

The old captain shook his head. "The Dominion of Man is one of the most important bulwarks of the Red Fleet. The Brain Trust may have failed to generate a sentient AI, but it can still function as an excellent comanic AI core array despite the fact that it is deemed a failure. That is not to say it is entirely irreplaceable. Our dreadnought has incorporated many redundant AI cores throughout the entire length of her hull. If the Brain Trust is promised in any fashion, our proud vessel will still be able to fight with only a slight decrease in bat effectiveness. We can even replace the Brain Trust with a more conventional AI core array if necessary."

The obvious question to that was why the fleeters hadn't done that already.

Ves was not stupid. There were more layers to this deal than he expected. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. He already picked up a few clues that told a different story than what was obvious on the surface.

"I think… you have not been entirely forthing with me, dread captain." He spoke as he swept his gaze around the interior of the spherical Brain Trust once again. "Any sane shipwright would never choose to install a failed experimental product that essentially consists of a daisy-chain of over a thousand salvaged brains of deceased CFA officers into one of the largest human warships ever built! Its reliability is dubious and there is no telling how the brains will change over time. I bet that there is a really critical reason why the original designers of the Dominion of Man opted for a solution as crazy as the Brain Trust over a more solid solution that is based on plain old incomanic circuits. The only logical reason why you haven't already disconnected this malfunctioning set of brains is because it provides essential value to your dreadnought. What does it do that makes you reluctant to label it as a lost cause?"

Mentioning the fact that the Dominion of Man wouldn't suddenly lose control or shut down if she lost access to the Brain Trust was a calculated move.

ƈοm Volkert Argile likely wanted to reduce Ves' bargaining position by making it sound as if the Red Fleet still had alternatives.

However, the move backfired because Ves was not as naive as he looked. He had bee involved in way too many convoluted plots and schemes to stop at the surface level.

He looked pointedly at the master of the Dominion of Man and started to connect several different threads.

"I have a theory." Ves spoke. "Let's see whether I got this right. The Dominion of Man is one of the most important warships of the Red Fleet. This is a fact. Her captain is the firstborn son of Fleet Admiral Stanley Argile. Despite your illustrious qualifications, your appointment must not have been easy to arrange. The amount of ship captains who peted with you to earn this coveted assignment must have been intense. Even now, there are still a lot of rivals and enemies who would like nothing more to dislodge you from your post, but they have never succeeded because you managed to run this dreadnought in an impeccable manner. Am I correct so far, captain?"

"I am pleased to hear that you think highly of my captaincy."

"Well, I am sure that maintaining a record that is close to spotless is vital to maintaining your grip on the Dominion of Man. I am sure that your current position also aligns with the interests of the Second Main Fleet, Fleet Admiral Argile and possibly the Argile Spaceborn Clan. All of that will bee threatened as soon as your enemies have obtained an opening that allows them to question your position. I can imagine that the failure of a critical control system such as the Brain Trust may turn your position shaky, especially when it plays a vital role in the functioning of other important systems. If the Brain Trust falls, you may fall with it. This will not only add a shameful mark on your record that might end your chances of succeeding your father one day, but also weaken the grip of the Argiles in the Red Fleet."

This single incident had massive implications. There were so many powerful interests tied to the resolution of this problem that it could change the balance of power of red humanity!

Though Dread Captain Argile did not exhibit any behavior that Ves was on the mark, that was a suspicious sign in itself.

"Admit it." Ves spoke as he took a step forward. "Your career is on the line. More importantly, your father's reputation and prestige is at risk. If his son somehow bungles his responsibilities, I bet that Fleet Admiral Amelie Jameson and her toadies will not hesitate to take advantage of your misfortune. The need to prevent this oute is why I am here. For whatever reason, your people believe I may have a way of preserving the Brain Trust so that it will no longer present a liability to the Dominion of Man. As long as the dreadnought's performance remains the same or improves, your career and your father's interests will remain secure."

The two fleeter captains remained silent for a time.

Eventually, Sigrund chose to betray the much more senior officer.

"I warned you that Professor Larkinson is wiser than he appears." Captain Zonrad Reze said. "It is part of the reason why he is the right candidate. I advise you to be honest with him. So what if he bees aware of how important it is for the Brain Trust to function as intended? The price you have to pay to him is trivial pared to the price of failure. You should set your priorities straight."

Ves smirked. Sigrund sure came through this time.

Both of them looked at Dread Captain Argile in expectation.

Even though it was the most logical course of action, it was still difficult for the Argile to bring himself to admit the truth. It went against his instincts as a fleeter to spill unfortable truths to an outsider.

The old man eventually made the necessary choice.

"Very well. You are… more accurate in your predictions than I anticipated. I will not bore you with explaining the intricate alliances and peting interests in our Red Fleet. It is indeed true that my captaincy will e under serious question if the Brain Trust has deteriorated to the point where it must be replaced. All of the replacements that we have prepared in case this scenario occurs are inferior. The reason why that is the case is that the Brain Trust is able to manage the difficult calculations and inferences needed to operate the Rubicon Spatial Transport System."

Ves widened his eyes. "Isn't that the critical system responsible for precision teleporting Dread Marines across vast distances and inserting them directly inside the hulls of enemy warships?!"

"It is also the unique system that relies on EE-343F-00334R to amplify its teleportation capabilities." Sigrund confirmed. "I am not aware of every piece of high technology that the Red Fleet has at its disposal, but I am certain that there is nothing parable in our arsenal. The Dominion of Man is of such critical importance to us that it utilizes the best of the best. There is no excuse to employ an inferior teleportation system for one of our dreadnoughts. The Brain Trust is an excellent plement to the Rubicon because there are favorable aspects about the comanic AI cores that cannot be replicated by more conventional alternatives."

That was a highly informative explanation. It was so helpful to Ves that Dread Captain Argile couldn't help but gaze at his fellow fleeter with obvious suspicion.

Whose side was Sigrund on? The captain of the Babylon Excavator was clearly weakening Argile's bargaining position with these unfortable revelations!

"Please refrain from divulging any further confidential information, Captain Reze."

"I am doing what is necessary to foster cooperation between the two of you." Sigrund innocently spread his arms. "I am not your enemy, Dread Captain Argile. Admiral Chelsea Mieli and the Seventh Light Fleet is counting on the continued support of the Second Main Fleet. It is not in my best interest to see you falter. In my humble experience, I have seen many potential problems spin out of control due to misunderstandings and lack of disclosure. As tempting as it is to withhold critical secrets, this is not the time to play games. I advise you to be honest and open to Professor Larkinson. According to his record and an analysis of his past behavior, he has always been more receptive to those who are transparent in their goals and intentions."

Dread Captain Argile clearly agreed with Sigrund in a fashion, because he did not call his guards to drag the insolent officer of the Seventh Light Fleet away.

"I understand now why you have been permitted to participate in this sensitive meeting. You are not only here because of your expertise in AI systems." The older man remarked before he turned back to Ves. "My apologies, professor. I shall be more forthing now that it has e to this. It is true that we need help. Our analysis has indicated that you have the potential to be of service to us. Before we can proceed any further, I must ask you a vital question. Now that you have observed the Brain Trust, do you believe you can solve the ongoing problem and stabilize our primary control system?"

Ves slowly grinned. "Oh, I can definitely resolve this issue for you. I have several ideas on how to tackle this problem. I have to say that your analysts have e to the correct conclusion. My expertise is just right to handle this kind of affair. There are two issues which we have to determine."


"We both need to determine how far you want to go to permanently solve this problem. This will largely depend on your risk appetite. How far are you willing to go to realize your ambitions?"

That caused Dread Captain Argile to frown.

"What else?"

"How much are you willing to pay to mand what may possibly bee the strongest warship in the Red Ocean?"

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