The Mech Touch

Chapter 3731: Commandeering Mechs

Chapter 3731: Commandeering Mechs: Resurrection

Chapter 3731: mandeering Mechs

After half an hour of experimentation, Casella and the other Larkinsons figured out the basic rules of her mand Field effects when applied to the fullest.

Ves even had to e up with numerous new terms to describe this key effect.

"mandeering describes the act of empowering a friendly mech. A mandeered mech is a unit that Casella has already strengthened through this method."

The terms quickly spread among the Larkinsons. The Sentinel mander did not object to them either.

The more they explored the power of mandeering, the more everyone saw the potential in this ability!

However, while it was a powerful means of enhancing the battle strength of friendly mechs, the effects varied depending on many different variables.

Whether the mech was alive or not played a major role.

Whether the mech pilot had a lot in mon with mander Casella played another role.

A mandeered mech did not receive an equal degree of strengthening in every aspect.

Attacks received the greatest degree of strengthening.

After performing many different tests, the Lakrinson found out that both melee and ranged attacks received the same degree of empowerment.

In parison, the defenses of a mandeered mech did not receive a drastic boost.

Cautious tests showed that mandeered mechs became a bit tougher, but only to the extent of resisting a couple more laser strikes.

From what Ves could observe, the glow surrounding a mandeered mech should be the partial manifestation of a resonance shield.

If Casella had grown much stronger and if the Minerva was a much better expert mech, then this secondary resonance shield might bee powerful enough to massively increase the damage resistance of mandeered mechs.

For now, the defensive boost was a bit tasteless. Ves did not take it seriously for now as it was unlikely for Casella to make any drastic improvements in these aspects.

Finally, the mobility of a mandeered mech gained the least degree of strengthening.

This was no surprise to anyone knowledgeable of expert mechs. Unless they were specifically designed with mobility in mind such as the Dark Zephyr, true resonance did not amplify their speed and acceleration that much.

Aside from boosting these basic attributes, mandeering also improved many other properties.

The mech pilots gained a portion of Casella's tremendous skills.

They coordinated with each other as if they were under a perfectly unified mand.

The mech pilots all gained greater awareness of themselves and the battlefield.

Casella was even able to municate directly to their minds!

All in all, the mand Field cemented the Minerva's role as an expert mand mech.

With the power of Talasmir, the Minerva did not even have to enter into bat in person. mander Casella could delegate all of the extraordinary power produced by her and her expert mech to give other friendly mech units the strength to challenge powerful foes such as hostile expert mechs!

Although there were doubts about the point of doing so, Ves was happy to add another bat solution to the Larkinson Clan.

At this point, adding another expert rifleman mech or expert swordsman mech would not create a lot of ripples. Enemies could easily make plans to counter the existing expert mechs of the Larkinson Clan if they bothered to do their research.

mander Casella's mand Field brought a different bat method to the table!

Expert mand mechs were rare to begin with and Ves wasn't sure if other ones were able to function as well as the Minerva.

What valued the most in this signature ability was its sheer versatility.

After testing it out on numerous different mech units, Ves understood that Casella was able to team up with practically every mech legion!

Although her patibility with some of them weren't great, Ves was certain that this could be remedied through repeated training sessions.

Once the self-assured Swordmaidens tasted the power of getting mandeered, they would not be quick to reject mander Casella in the future!

Casella could even apply her mand Field to mechs that belonged to other comanizations such as the Cross Clan!

Of course, the difficulty of mandeering them was much higher and the effectiveness was much lower, but there were ways to improve this so that it became a viable backup option.

To someone like General Verle, the greatest value in this ability lay in its versatility! Once mander Casella and the mech legions gained a measure of proficiency in cooperating with each other, they could essentially choose to apply the Minerva's mand Field in different ways!

For example, during the Battle of Orange Tulip, it would have been extremely helpful for the Minerva to mandeer the Transcendent Punishers.

Once the heavy artillery mechs gained a considerable offensive boost, each of their heavy positron cannons could tear through hull plating like nothing else!

In case the Larkinsons fought against a more conventional mech force, Casella could choose to mandeer the Swordmaiden mechs and have them cut through the toughest enemy mech formations like a hot knife through butter!

Ves' eyes lit up as he imagined all of the possibilities of the mand Field. The versatility of this resonance ability was directly related to the variety of friendly mech models available.

"The more mechs we design, the more options we have!"

Naturally, the main emphasis of applying mander Casella's abilities should still lie on increasing her cooperation with her own troops.

Her mand over the Living Sentinels brought her closer to them than anyone else. The mandeering resonance ability displayed its greatest degree of effectiveness when applied to Sentinel mechs!

Gloriana happened to make another observation. "The range of the Minerva's mand Field is too short." She said. "That doesn't matter much when it is used to mandeer ranged mechs, but what if you want to apply it to melee mechs?"

"Ah. Yes. That is not an ideal scenario."

A range of a couple of kilometers was nothing in space!

If mander Casella wanted to help out friendly melee mechs, then her Minerva either had to acpany them when they charged towards the enemy or have the mechs maintain a defensive posture at the rear!

The only way to resolve this shorting was to extend the radius of the mand Field, which wouldn't happen anytime soon.

"mander Casella should probably stick to mandeering ranged mechs if our future battles are similar to the last ones we fought." Ves concluded. "So long as we continue to fight in space, our ranged mechs are pivotal to defeating enemy warships and other large threats."

The Larkinsons could figure out the best tactics later once they registered all of the parameters of the Minerva's mand Field.

Ves suddenly paused. "Wait a second. Does mandeering work on targets other than mechs and mech pilots?"

In order to test this out, Ves ordered a squad of infantry soldiers to board a shuttle and move to the testing site while other trials were taking place.

When the shuttle finally neared the Minerva, every mech halted while the armored bat soldiers boosted out into space.

The footsoldiers were all armed and armored with heavy gear, but they were still too small and weak to pose a threat to mechs!

The point of this test was not to pit them against mechs. Ves just wanted to test a new hypothesis and see whether the Minerva's mand Field could take effect on other bat assets!


Ves carefully studied the visual feed. He could faintly see a golden corona around the individual soldiers.

In order to gather more data, each of the soldiers were equipped with different loadouts. Some of them wore plain vacsuits while others wore heavy bat armor.

However, regardless of the soldier, Casella failed to mandeer them like she had done with mechs. Although it looked as if it was about to succeed a few times, she eventually ceased her attempts.

"I am unable to do it." She reported. "I can feel their minds, but trying to latch on to them is like trying to use the wrong key to open a door. There's something about them that makes me feel that we aren't patible."

Ves looked disappointed. "Oh. It's okay. You'll probably reserve this ability for mechs anyway, but it is still useful to know your limits. We can explore the reasons behind this distinction later."

His fantasy of empowering warship cannons were shot. Oh well. It wasn't as if he would get his hands on a battleship or something and be pelled to use her most powerful weapons against a monstrous enemy or anything.

Once they finished testing the mandeering ability on mechs at rest, Ves wanted to see how they fared in a more realistic battle scenario.

"mander Casella, mander Melkor, order your men to get ready for a live sparring session. Make sure to show enough restraint, but try and show as much superiority as possible."

This was one of the highlights of this testing session. Two-hundred mechs from each side squared off against each other.

During previous sparring sessions, the Avatars always gained the upper hand from beginning to end. The skill and confidence between the two mech legions were too far apart!

However, Ves and many other people had a feeling that this time would be different.


The mechs from both sides sprung into battle!

To their credit, the Avatar mechs did not show any timidity! Even as their machines charged forward, every Avatar mech pilot immediately invoked the Golden Cat!

This caused them to gain a portion of the skills of the best Larkinson mech pilots! After many months of practice, this little trick had bee second nature.

This had always been their capital to defeat other mech units! Given the same level of mechs, an increase in bat skill could give the Avatars a decisive edge in many confrontrontations!

However, pared to the failed attempt to replicate a battle formation, the mand Field generated by the Minerva was much more impressive!

Instead of relying on the relatively weak minds of average mech pilots, the mandeering ability shoved all of the burden on mander Casella, who was much stronger than all of the Sentinel pilots put together!

This produced a strengthening effect that went far beyond boosting the skills and coordination of the Sentinel mechs!

Although their defenses and mobility hadn't increased that much, each of their attacks landed with additional power.

Even if the Sentinel mechs held back, both their ranged and melee weapons gained an extra bite that induced a lot more pressure on the Avatar mechs.

If an attack boost was the only effect of the Minerva's mand Field, then the Avatars might still find a way to blunt the offensive.

The problem was that mander Casella provided a lot more benefits than that through her resonance ability!

Not only did the Sentinel mech pilots display more skill, they also exhibited much closer cooperation with each other.

Though the Minerva had yet to make a move during this sparring session, Casella had bee more active than ever. She tracked and issued regular orders to the mech units under her mand, causing the Sentinels to employ various different tactics to dismantle their current adversaries.

The difference in coordination alone was massive!

Whereas mander Melkor had to track what was going on through interpreting the data from his mech before issuing orders through several different layers, mander Casella was able to mand her subordinates directly!

She did not even need to rely on the mech officers to execute her intentions. Although the strain was not light, she was able to display an impressive degree of multitasking by keeping track and manding every individual mech in the field!

In the short time Casella was able to keep it up, the Living Sentinels pletely shed their image as the weakest mech legion of the Larkinson Clan and crushed the best the Avatars could offer!

Even if the Avatars possessed an advantage in skill, the Sentinels benefited even more by enjoying an increase in their attack power as well as exhibiting exquisite coordination!

Each Sentinel mech had willingly bee an extension of Casella's will!

"Too strong!"

"This… this is the ultimate mand mech!"

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