Monster Integration

Chapter 1269 - Birthday Celebration I

Chapter 1269 - Birthday Celebration I: Resurrection

Chapter 1269 - Birthday Celebration I

"F.u.c.k, that old man is going to glower me to death," I said; I flew out of the cabin; it is only forty minutes since I had asked break for a change; Elena said that old had asked where I am.

'Benjamine Carlos,' Is one of the old Tyrant of Academy and also responsible for weling guests with us. He is very strict and likes to glower at anyone who made the slightest mistake.

Even Emperor stage professors would shudder under his gaze; the only person he talked to like a normal person is Elena, and that is because he knows her Grandfather and not to fcomet her mother is Headmistress.


I landed near the gate with a loud thud but not crinkle appeared on the suit. I had covered it with my energy to protect against wind and other things; I want it to be perfect until this birthday celebration ends.

"You look good; the suit brings out all your hidden points," Elena said as she appeared beside me. To her plement, I just smiled before turning to her, who has bee a goddess in shimmering black gown."

"You look ravishing." I plimented; her long shimmering gown made her look extremely beautiful. Her gown is made of her some silky material that highlights every part of her body, and that daring neckline adds another charm to it.

"Let's go; the guests will start arriving in a few minutes," Elena said, and we moved toward the gate. A minute later, when we reach there, everyone was already there; I was the only one that hadn't e.

We appeared and stood beside Professor Angelica, who smiled at us, but the next second, I felt myself shudder when I saw old man Carlos glaring at me with his sunken eyes.

He continued looking at me for a few seconds before he looked away, and I heaved a sigh of relief. His glower felt like the gaze of the powerful predator who could eat me in a single bite if he wished.

We stood by the silence for twenty minutes when finally, the guests started to appear; the first guests were from Emperor Grade Organisation. They arrived every few minutes, and we wele them according to their designation.

There is strict Etiquette who should wele who, the professor and Tyrants weled Emperor Stage professors also weled the people from Emperor Grade Organisations, but if the attendee is Tyrant Stage powerhouse, then one of Two Tyrant Stage professor and I and Elena would receive them.

Old Man Carlos would only weles people from Supreme Organisations. He is a Council member, it will be beneath his station to wele anyone lower. There are some exceptions, like some old monsters of Tyrants or the people he knew at the personal level.

We continued to receive the stream of Emperor Grade Organisation members for a while before Tyrants, and similar level people started ing in.

All the Tyrants Grade Organisation have sent Tyrant powerhouse for this function, which alone shows how they respect academy and teacher; as the official designation of Acadamy is Emperor Grade comanization and Tyrants Grade Organisation rarely sent Tyrants at such celebration.

Though our official designation may be Emperor Grade due to political reasons, that does not mean our strength is equal to Emperor Grade Organisations. Academy is very powerful; we are no less powerful than the Top Tyrant comanizations.

Soon the guests of the Emperor Grade academies stopped ing, and only Tyrants and independent people continued. It lasted for an hour before the stream slowed down, and barely anyone is now ing through the gate.

Nearly all the guests have e, only people from Supremes and some powerful individuals have remained to e, they will e.

The evening has e, and the celebration will start within an hour; the guests from Supreme will e before that. So, we waited, and fifteen minutes later, the first guest has e.

They are from Silverstone Academy; there are five people in man's lead in his late thirties; as he came forward, old man Carlos himself received them. He talked to them for a few minutes before sending them inside with one of Emperor Stage professor.

A few minutes later, another group of Supreme came and weled by the old man. One by one, they came and were weled by the old man.

To be honest, I am feeling quite bored; all this smiling and talking pleasantly getting on my nerves. I would rather suffer the torture of refinement. Still, I have to do it, and it will not be the last time but the first of many.

Such functions are parts of life and have to be celebrated to get some relief from the horrors of the war that we have been fighting for thousands of years.

"Micheal!" I was busy with my thoughts when suddenly, I heard the familiar voice and saw Ellen is ing toward me, seeing that ecstatic smile couldn't help but appear on my face. It had been a long while since I have seen her; the last was in the native continent.

"Ellen." I said happily as I hugged my friend, "Its a nice surprice." I said as I eased the hug. Her ing was a great surprise to me when I had talked to her a few days ago; she did not mention anything about ing here.

"Well, I missed my friend, so tagged along with Sir John." She said as she motioned toward the Tyrant Stage powerhouse she had e with.

"Where is fiance? You did not bring her?" I asked her when I did not see her fiancé with their group. "She is busy practicing something important." She said.

"Well, wele to Rivefield Academy," I said as I weled her.

"I'll talk to you later then." She said seeing me receiving duty and left after giving me one more hug.

"I did not know you know Ellen Ashford," Elena said, a clear surprise is written on her face; not only her but others too seemed quite surprised by that, which felt quite strange to me.

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