Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 564 - Descent of Multiple Lords

Chapter 564 - Descent of Multiple Lords: Resurrection

Chapter 564 - Descent of Multiple Lords

On the Celestial's side, the vigorous shouts for order could be heard clearly.


"For order!"

"For balance!"


Athena heard these battle yells as she wondered if those yelling out knew exactly what order and chaos was.

On the side of the defending forces of the Verittas Fortress, the battle cries of the Infernals were the main thing building up a unique battle state.


"Ready to serve!"

"Ready to destroy!"


Droning sounds rang out as the Infernals smashed their weapons onto the empty void of space, every clash generating a unique force that created a unique sound that affected the hearts of many.

In the mand Room, mander Verdant gazed at all of this as he shook his head in disgust.

"Such wicked creatures!"

His gaze filled with a golden light bubbled with power as he got ready to move.

"Fight with all of your power, and fight with great confidence! Because we are on the side of balance and order, we are the ones that will bring these savages to the right path!"


"What do we fight for?!"


"What do we do to those that stand against us?!"



The rousing words of mander Verdant rang out across the legions of Celestials as a level of fanaticism was brought out.

Athena glanced at all of this as her heart trembled, her mind no longer being in the same state as such a scene actually cemented her new belief of her and all the other Celestials being on the wrong side of order!



Like a bomb that had been set off, the words of mander Verdant caused the explosion of forces to rush forward, space itself shaking at the level of destruction about to ensue.

mander Verdant's own figure disappeared as he and mander Lylle went towards their target- the 9th Infernal Lord!

Their figures blazed with their own abilities as on mander Verdant, aside from the vibrant light of fate, the green light of earth was abundantly flowing as it made him seem like a moving mountain. mander Lylle was even faster as his sole focus in the law of fate made him all the more proficient, his figure shaped like a golden strike of lightning as it thundered forward!

mander Verdant and Lylle set off first as they were to match this being with their Authorities before the other Star Fcomers joined them to take his life in a swift manner.


Space shaking might exploded out as the two sides rushed towards each other, the display of skills rushing forth as the 6th Infernal Lord already found an opposing Star Fcoming Celestial mander to match with.

The Vampyre Lord leading hundreds of thousands of Vampyres also matched with another Celestial Star Fcomer, while the manding Mage that had replaced Turner also matched with one himself!

3 Celestial Star Fcomers were occupied by the enemy manders, and 2 were stressing towards the 9th Infernal Lord.

Three Star Fcomers remained in the dark as they waited for the perfect moment to swoop in and take the life of a single being!

"Light Legion, pull back to the previous coordinates…"

"mander Three-Eyed, the Penguin mander is about to swarm you with four others like him, pull back!"

Numerous mands were ringing out from Athena as she read the battlefield like the palm of her hands and moved the forces of Celestials as needed.

Her last mand meant for the Three-Eyed Fate Child who was actually facing a particularly arrogant Emperor Penguin prevented many casualties, this penguin actually teleporting fearsome beasts at the same level as him to nearly surround the Legion that Three-Eyed led.

As she gave out these mands, she also displayed the terror of the Realm Dreadnaught as numerous World Cannons activated, terrifying red pillars of light shooting out as the defenders of the Verittas Fortress formed a huge defensive shield to stop the advance of these horrendous lasers!

The Realm Dreadnaughts were extremely useful not just because of their sheer size, but because of the destructive weapons they carried!

The most used ones were the World Cannons which released horrendous destructive rays of light that could even destroy a world, but the rays of Realm Dreadnaughts were even more unique as they had faster activation and could actively seek out their targets.

Athena was the one put in charge of manding the World Cannons of the Realm Dreadnaught, her task being to use her {Precognition} ability to foresee any unexpected situations as she reinforced their forces!

When it came to the lasers of the Realm Dreadnaught, only those at the World Rank could manage to even withstand one, and even they would lose their lives if they were not reinforced by others.

As Athena's eyes fully got into the groove of the battle while listening to everything {Precognition} was telling her, she waited for the mand that would cause for her betrayal patiently, her heart solidifying more and more as the battle fully began.

She was the War Princess. In any battle or war, she would be among the very few that could perform at the optimum level. A valiant light was slowly returning to her eyes as the will she had lost ever since Crixus bound her slowly returned! It mattered not what side she would fight, she would continue fighting for her beliefs as she pointed her sword at those sowing chaos!

"mander Verdant, the 9th Infernal Lord...will continue to remain still with no unexpected moves. Now would be the time!"

She relayed another message as the figures of Verdant and Lylle arrived in the proximity of a particular smiling 9th Infernal Lord, his body simply floating at the forefront as all Celestial Legions avoided him like a plague, only the two Star Fcoming Celestial manders that had achieved more than 50% in the Law of Fate appearing around him.

{{Fate Lord's Authority}}!

The words left mander Verdant's mouth as he moved with vigor to spread out a powerful Authority to enpass this unique Infernal Lord, mander Lylle waiting to see what would happen as he held his own Authority back!

{{Flame Lord's Authority}}.

A simple reply was uttered from the mouth of the 9th Infernal Lord as the might of another Authority entered the battlefield, his gaze remaining calm as he turned to look towards mander Lylle in a taunting manner as if to ask, aren't you gonna cast your Authority as well?

It was a domineering gaze that did not seem to give even an ounce of care while being surrounded by an Authority of a Supreme Law, his gaze actually taunting another Star Fcomer to release his Authority!

As the battle at the Verittas Fortress began with a bang, many focused their eyes on the scene of this domineering 9th Infernal Lord as they wondered what surprises they would e across today!

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