Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Resurrection

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Chapter 50 – Barrier Angel

That machine angel Haniel, she had the same red eyes as Myne, and was similar to when I was in starving state.

I don't want to think like this, but I felt like there was something that connected us.

[Myne, that child at the core….]

At the same time I said that, Haniel's core stared at me.

I was immediately attacked by immense pressure, that it's hard for me to breathe.

This is… this is the same as me. When both of my eyes turned red, I'm able to frighten anyone I stare at as long as they have lower stats than me.

Of course, Haniel does have much higher stats than I do.

Greed then said through the《Mind Reading》

『Move your eyes away. If you keep looking at her eyes, you'll be frightened and rendered unable to even fight.』

Damn, I never thought the day will e when I had to look away from my opponent.

So what should I do? I can't fight properly if I stare at the core's eyes.

This is really bad…….it's embarrassing to let Myne see me in this condition.

[Don't fall over just from such thing. Man up.]

[Even if you say that…]

I tried looking at Haniel's core once more. Yeah, I immediately felt my body stiffened….

Really, what should I do?

The enemy didn't feel like waiting though. It immediately started attacking with its six limbs.

[It can't be helped. Fate attack its leg until you can get used to the pressure. I'll handle the more troublesome core. However, the deciding blow has to be done by the Gluttony skill owner.]

[Could it be, that deciding blow….as I thought.]

[Yes, you'll have to attack the core.]

Of course. We need to destroy its core to properly defeat it.

However, there was that girl in the core. It'll be hard for me to cut her down,

[That thing is no longer human. It's a monster disguised as human. Don't get fooled by its appearance.]


[You'll die if you keep thinking that way. Fate, ining attack!]


Haniel's core moved its hands and created bluish fire balls. Circling itself with it.

Them it pounded the ring of flame into the ground. The devastating heat caused the ground who came in contact with it to turn into lava.

An indirect magical attack. This is bad, even if I switched to scythe form, I won't be able to dispel it.

I could only looked at the red wall heading toward me like tsunami, waiting for Myne to solve this.

Because the core had human form, I couldn't get myself to feel worked up. It was trying to kill us. But even so, I didn't know if I could muster up enough courage to face it.

There was no choice. I switched to black bow form, and ready myself to sacrifice some stats.

While I was thinking about that, Myne moved forward and swung her black axe.

[Get behind me. Fate cover with magic arrow. When you're ready, we'll attack together. Alright?]

[O-okay, roger that. But, how will you stop that?]

[I'll do this, ei!]

The shout sounded pretty, but the swinging of the black axe was intense.

The impact blew back the approaching wall of lava back. So strong that it was enough to reach Haniel and make it fall on its knees.

[Now then, let's get started. Fate keep Haniel restricted.]

[I'll do my best so as not to hold you back.]

[That's the spirit.]

Myne approached Haniel, and swung at its right arm.

The core cried in pain. Blood trickled out of its red eyes.

[Kuu….damn it.]

Again, I accidentally looked into the core's eyes. I quickly turned away and get moving.

I'm tasked with duty of restricting Haniel's movement. So that Myne can attack effectively.

Since that's the case, the magic I needed to imbue into the magic arrow is obvious.

I drew the black bow, and knocked the magic arrow. Then imbued it with Dust magic. Producing a petrifying magic arrow.

Even the crown tier monster like Lich Lord was turned to stone by it. Now that my stats are higher than before, I should be able to petrify some parts of the machine angel.

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