Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Resurrection

Patreon Chapter

Brought to you by

Arigatou Gozaimasu! 🙂

Enjoy the chapter~

Translator: Raizu

Editor: Mirp

Chapter 110 – Goblin Anomaly

Having taken Shara to the orphanage, we headed west through the bustling mercial district. It was to where I supposed to meet up with Roxy and Miria. However, as I met Roxy along the way, there only Miria was waiting there.

Most likely, she'll be really annoyed by this fact.

And as usual, she'll vent by directing her brutality towards me.

As we walked side by side, I inquired about Miria to Roxy as we talked about the items sold at the stalls.

[I've been wondering about this for a while now. But why does Miria like Roxy that much?]

To that question, the girl smiled.

[That's right. Ever since Miria first met me, it's been always like that.]

[…..that sounds like a big problem]

In any case, Roxy trusted Miria. Their relationship had been ongoing for the past five years after all.

I almost felt sorry for Roxy for being so good looking. If something like that happened, I'm worried that another one might be just around the corner.

Perhaps I had a bad expression on my face, and so Roxy pinched my nose.

[Could it be that, you are jealous?]

[Eerm, no….I guess….]

I felt my face unexpectedly turned hot. When I think about it, I guess I really did envy Miria for being able to stay by Roxy's side all the time.

Roxy was someone who would smile at me sincerely even after seeing what lied deep inside my soul.

As long as I'm being honest, then it'd be okay. I've decided to never lie in front of her anymore.

[I am]

[But why? May I know why?]

[Because, I want to be with Roxy more often!!]

[Ee……. Fai! We are in the middle of a crowd here, don't say that out loud….]

The passerby turned around to glance at us. Even Roxy who originally quite used to handling a lot of people had her face blushing hot red, so most likely I was in a similar condition as well. Anyways, I was just trying to express myself, but ended up getting embarrassed because of it.

[Roxy, you are blushing]

[Fai's fault]

Not daring to stay on the spot for much longer, we made our escape. The passerby could only wonder about what those two holy knights were doing.

But it was also something funny in itself, so we both laughed out loud.

[Fai, it's alright if you want to be with me more often. Starting from today, I'll be tutoring you privately at the Barbatos mansion if you will.]

[It's still all about studying after all]

[Of course! There is no getting around it]

Making such a big declaration. I guess….today…. I won't get any sleep. I could tell that her statuses had risen considerably pared to the past. The holy knights had incredible physical stamina. Even if we didn't sleep for a few days, it'd still be alright.

I don't really mind about not getting any sleep, but the problem here was the studying part. Just thinking about it made me feel horrible.

Roxy then said this as if she had seen through me.

[Rest assured. As you have expected, you won't get any sleep today.]

Roxy gave me a wink while saying so. But the gap between the cuteness and what she said only managed to terrify me more.

If this continues on, she'll just coax me into studying more. I thought to escape, to the west gate perhaps. But Roxy grabbed and hugged my hand.

[Fufufu, I won't let you off that easily. You always like this…..always escaping when the situation inconveniences you.]

Roxy gave emphasis on 'always'. Was she referring to the time at Gallia? Or was it from a long time ago? I wanted to ask, but…..I guess it'll be too hard for the current me to handle.

While I was thinking about all that, I was sobered up by the satisfied Roxy.

[Hmm hmm. Anyways, Fai is growing taller. Back then you were still slightly shorter than me, but now I have to look up to see your face.]

Roxy brought up her hand to her head, then to mine. Certainly, I had grown slightly taller than her when we met at Gallia, but apparently I've grown even taller since then. I wouldn't notice this, if she didn't bring this up.


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