Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 221

Chapter 221: Resurrection

Chapter 221

There exist a type of person that would bee more cool-headed the direr the situation they were in.

When Lin Sanjiu's gaze fell on the blond man in front of her, she felt as if someone had doused her head with a bucket of ice water. Before she could feel any panic or fear, her mind rapidly grew calmer. As she scanned the area around her, Lin Sanjiu quickly understood the situation she was in.

She was flying out of the 26th floor when she was suddenly trapped in a cylindrical item on the floor in less than a second. By the looks of it, she had been 'sucked' into that item.

"Is it some sort of powerful Special Item?" Mrs. Manas suddenly mumbled. After hearing her words, Lin Sanjiu felt herself feeling less worried. Her original skull form was forced into a long cylindrical shape. The only features which remained were Lin Sanjiu's two eyes sockets. She was 'staring' out from the transparent glass cylinder. Lin Sanjiu did not try to throw herself against the glass wall. She didn't even struggle. She just floated in the cylinder observing her outside world silently.

"Huh? Why are you so quiet?" The blond man lifted a brow. "You were zooming around, trying to escape us just moments ago... Are you smart or stupid?" He spoke in a rather intimate tone, almost as if he was putting himself in her shoes. One could almost mistake him as an old friend of Lin Sanjiu's. Lin Sanjiu ignored him.

The blond man was the only person nearby. Lin Sanjiu didn't know where the other members of his team were. The small black tower which launched the arrow into the air was now sitting quietly on the floor. The building's lobby was not far from them.

"Did the other members enter the building?" That thought surfaced in Lin Sanjiu's mind involuntarily. "If that was the case, it would be great! This would create a good opportunity for me to escape!"

Unfortunately, her higher consciousness scanning did not allow for her to see through walls. Looking through the 'glass' of the cylinder she was in, she could see what was outside the container. However, she could not see if there was anyone in the lobby, so she couldn't confirm anything.

Lin Sanjiu considered her situation. The blond man caught her but he didn't attempt to make any signals and he didn't even inform his teammates... After thinking for a few seconds, Lin Sanjiu wrote a question while the man kept his gaze on her, "Did they enter that building?"

"You a rare duoluozhong..." the blond man praised softly, but he didn't answer her question. "You made that 'Gangrene Chaser' chase after you for such a long time and even led it into a trap. I think you must be very powerful, right?"

His accent sounded very weird. Even though his voice was mellow and rich, it just sounded weird. It was as if he was using another language to speak Mandarin. Lin Sanjiu didn't think too much about it. In fact, facing such an attitude, Lin Sanjiu only allowed herself to feel fretful for a few minutes. Following which, she realized that if she read between the lines, she already had her answer: his teammates had entered the building. If she had made a wrong guess, that man wouldn't praise her.

"Did they entered the building to retrieve that arrow? Can that demonic spirit swallow three people at once? Why didn't this blond man follow them into the building?" The memory of the incident that happened at the entrance of the train station gradually surfaced in Lin Sanjiu's mind. She deliberated over her words and wrote, "Your team's mission is to get duoluozhongs..."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't think of another answer to their actions. This was the first time she met these people, they didn't have any bad blood between them and she even avoided crossing their path by moving away discreetly. However, the team chased after her so fervently once they saw her. On top of that, this item that the man was using merely served to trap her. Since they didn't kill her immediately, Lin Sanjiu could somehow guess their objectives.

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